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Everything posted by Blown

  1. Also need some Torque settings for the head bolts if anyone can help,and as they sent the head back in more bits than it went away,can anyone tell me if there's a gasket between the throttle body and the intake manifold? Any help much appreciated.
  2. Hooray! Got my head and manifolds back from C+R today-all nice and shiny and ported/polished and flowed.... Only problem is I can't remember how to put the fechin' thing back together again :oops: :roll: Suppose it's time to dig out all the pics I took when it was being stripped,although there probably isn't going to be a pic of the head before it went off. Ho-hum.Time to stick a bolt in a hole and hope for the best. :shock:
  3. I got a new toy on friday and I can't stop smiling. :D :D :D Oh,and some pics of my (soon to be ex)winter runner the mighty 1049cc Polo Coupe! So while the C is being rebuilt,I now have something to tide me over that is as much fun. The Polo's for sale.£250 if anyone's interested .I ain't paying for you to come and get it though!
  4. WAAAAAHHHH! It's doing my head in now.The cars been in the workshop,up on stands for the best part of 3 months and I'm STILL waiting for all the parts to come home so I can get it back together. The head and manifolds are with C+R hopefully should be back this week,still waiting for the RS4 front bumper from Venom and the I/C, oilcooler and rsr outlet from Pitstop developments is still to come too.Add to that the toothed belt system from G-werks(which hopefully is still on order)and the car should be a nice little runner when it eventually gets back on the go. :twisted: I was supposed to get it to the bodyshop for it's respray this week,but I think that may have to wait. I dunno if it was the beer,but last night almost broke the camels back!Seeing all these numpties in their dads cars-i.e. one bloke no older than 20ish in a MG ZT-T giving it large around the town- and the Scooby crew doing likewise,just made me want to get my car back together and show them up for what they were. Looks like getting it back on the road for May was being a little presumptious....... :cry: :cry: Oh and the Nitrous plan has been kyboshed by the Missus...... :( All in all not a good week.
  5. I'm looking at replacing my "BBS" lookeelikee 17 " Lenso rk2'sfor either fox5's in the cheap range or OZ's Velo 2 which is a spankingly nice wheel-although it's in the OHMYGODHOWMUCH!? range. Try http://www.mswuk.com .
  6. Got a G60 head gasket from the dealers for £28! :shock:
  7. I think the R32 looks better cos the Photochop makes the MK4 lights look smaller,about the same size as the original rectangular lights, and therefore more in keeping with the rest of the car.Seeing them on an actual car makes me think,Naah,just doesn't work. Just my tuppence worth.... :oops:
  8. Hey,G-Man,am I still on your order books for on of these kits? Let me know and I'll pm you my details. :)
  9. For a place that has a population of around 20,000 and with half living here in the main town,I know of at least 7 Corrado's that have been here at one time or another.4 of which are permanent and not just been visiting the island. 1 x bordeaux pearl G60-mine 1 x white G60-belongs to a bloke round the corner from me 1 x green VR6-Currently in storage due to driver losing his license for speeding(100+in a 60 :lol: ) 1 x Blueish purple G60-belongs to a doctor who has had a suspension LIFT to cope with the road to his house 1 x silver VR6 -Only ever saw it once 1 x yellow 16v-now in Aberdeen(Roddy knows about it!) 1 x red 16v-bought either new or second hand cos used to see it regularly in the mid 90's.First one on Orkney I believe.Whereabouts unknown. I'll just go and take me anorak off now..... :oops:
  10. I had the exact same problem with my JVC chameleon.It turned out to be the 10amp fuse right at the end of the fuse box,closest to the drivers side wing. Found this out after ripping out most of the wiring and putting all back together again-not the first time I've done this and never bothered checking the fuses first....Hence I chose the name BLOWN!
  11. Thanks for the replies. I have already fitted a Vibratechs front mount so (hopefully) movement shouldn't be a problem. Just trying to decide what is the best route to take now. :?
  12. As some of you may know already,I have a nice shiny TSR 4-1 stainelss steel manifold to fit to my G60. After having spoken to the knowledgeable blokes at C+R they have advised that I will need to get it professionally heat wrapped or it will cause all sorts of problems. They also said that if I want to bypass the cat,then It would be easier,and cheaper, to use a supersprint cat bypass pipe,but the reason I bought the TSR unit was for the alleged torque and BHP gains over the original. What I need is to know whether it would be advisable to fit the TSR pipe or to have the original manifold ported to match the head and fit a bypass pipe. If I fit a bypass will I get the same sort of results that I would get from the 4-1? The TSR is originally for a MK2 Golf GTi 8v but it should fit the C. Thanx in advance. :)
  13. I always thought Burgundy was a red shade? Mabye I'm colour blind? :oops:
  14. Cheers mate! Was beginning to wonder if swapping the manifolds was a good idea.Now my minds at ease I can carry on.
  15. Thanks. Yeah,stripped the old paint of with a wire brush attachement on a drill and used some cans of metallic gray spray paint that I had left over from touching up bits on my Polo.Covered it with about eight coats of lacquer and used a touch up brush that happens to be the same colour as my Corrado for the detail. A convenient way of using up all that old paint that was just lying around! Just waiting for the purple Samco hose kit to be delivered now. 8)
  16. Just thought I'd get your opinions on my newly repainted rocker cover! And if anyone can tell me if removing this pipe from the manifold will cause any trouble. Mainly cos I've got a nice new S/S 4-1 to fit and there ain't any where to fit the pipe.
  17. My area==A. Wouldn't have been expecting anything else really,as,apart from the odd prang, car crime is zero....... 8) :lol: :mrgreen:
  18. Blown


    Either you didn't get Dubster82's joke or you've got bad timing and given me a really big insult....... :shock: :lol:
  19. Blown


    Think that's bad? I was dead set on having a Saab 900 turbo(black, of course) when I came across a Burgundy G60 in Aberdeen(about 400-odd miles away from me.Or a 40-minute plane journey) Had heard of Corrado's but the damn things had never even crossed my mind...... :? :lol:
  20. Thanks guys. On further investigation,it looks like the "easiest" way is to undo the six bolts joining the exhaust manifold to the system and lifting the head complete with inlet/exhaust manifolds attached. Also I've found a pipe, which on first inspection looked like a brake pipe,attached to the exhaust manifold,but when traced back up the engine ends in ,well, nothing?! It appears to have been blanked of at manufacture and has a green cap on the end but it seems to serve no purpose,as its not connected to anything.Can anyone shed any light?Can it be removed? Pics will be supplied soon!
  21. How many bolts are there on the inlet manifold on a G60? I can only see one at the timing belt end so I wondered if there are; A)two bolts-one at either end-which would be great,or B)four bolts-in which case I'm going to need a degree in yogic positions and spatial dynamics to get to the damn things :roll: As usual,VW and ther build quality is usually second to none,but try taking something apart......
  22. Bl@@dy hell!!! I thought I was looking at my own car there for a minute. Jason mate,you're thinking along exactly,and I mean EXACTLY,the same lines as me-intercooler,oilcooler,headwork and nitrous-ALL to be done.in time for may.Already had the charger and chipwork done but only to stage4.And a TSR manifold to fit. If they're finished in time it would be interesting to take them down the strip at inters to see how they compare.... :twisted: (Oh.and a re-spray for me :D )
  23. Hmmm...Fitting an oilcooler sounds like a lot of work and I've got too many other things to be done before the car goes for it's re-spray in early march,so low temp therm it is then!
  24. Been doing a bit of web bashing and I think I've managed to sort myself most of what I'm looking for,but I'm still trying to get hold of a lower temperature thermostat and fan switch. Anyone help?? Also been toying with the idea of an oilcooler.How and where does this plumb into the oil system on the engine? Thanks again for all your help on this.I really appreciate it. :oops:
  25. http://www.snstuning.com diy section Gavin Cheers for that link mate.Looks a bit heath robinson but I'm all for that so if it works I'll give it a try! Henny,yeh,thats the panel.The one that the lower part of the slam panel bolts to,right? As I say,I'll wait and get an I/C first and offer it up before I start cutting....... :shock:
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