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Everything posted by dave7692

  1. If the door handles are no longer sold I would be interested, providing you could post them (at my cost). Do they just directly replace the standard ones?
  2. Haha yeah its really good for parts too, loads of people post stuff for sale in groups on there nowadays. Yeah I couldn't believe my luck really, thanks!
  3. Thanks, I'm really pleased I've managed to find one in such good condition, hopefully something I can keep up for a very long time! The car was advertised on Facebook and luckily less than 5 miles away from me, they seem to crop up quite regularly on there, I guess people like listing there first as its free.
  4. Thanks very much gents, I assumed it would be a belt and ECP was going to be my next port of call. I'll get that ordered up and then get the Corrado out of the shed and onto the road!
  5. Thanks! I assumed it would be a belt, I'll just have to broaden my search a little I expect. I was just hoping I might be able to find out without having to pull it to pieces!
  6. Hi All, Within the last week I've managed to finally snag myself a Corrado after a long time searching, so far it seems really good (touch wood) with a few minor things that need working on as you would expect for a car made in '93. However I do have a couple of noob questions, the main one being when i bought it the guy said 'you probably want to get the CAM belt done' which I though was fine, all part of owning an older car. I've since looked on VW Heritage and can only see belts for the 1.8 engines, are the 2.0s a chain driven? If it is a chain, the car has done about 150k, do you guys think it would be good to change the chain before I start driving it more regularly? Overall I'm really chuffed with the car and can't wait to spend more time driving it. Here's a pic for those who are interested. [ATTACH=CONFIG]89453[/ATTACH]
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