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About deag

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    cheshire, UK


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  1. If you get nowhere with the ISV, check your dizzy too! Mine was eventually traced to that. Readings were fine most of time, but once problem developed, the readings went haywire. It seems my old one had a small oil leak from the head. deag.
  2. Thanks guys, I'll have a look. deag.
  3. When you say "won't idle" I presume it's cutting out? Does it drop instantly, in one go, or wonder around 1000 a bit, struggling to keep going? Also, do you notice anything further up the range? I had a distributor problem recently, that effected idle speed, as well as any other engine speed. deag.
  4. How would I tell? Where is the sender switch?
  5. Hi, At the possibility of opening a can of worms... I changed my engine coolant a while back. As far as I know, I did it by the book, replaced the anti-freeze to roughly 45%. But ever since, my water temps have been reading about 70 deg. for normal running. Oil temp seems fine (low 90s most of time). Recently, I was stuck in traffic on a sunny day, so both temperatures went up about 20 deg before cooling kicked in. However, water was always 15 or 20 degrees shy of oil. I can't figure why that should be! Could the sensor be offset? Any other suggestions? 1990 1.8L 16V engine. Thanks, deag.
  6. crewe. bentley motors, at the mo!
  7. can't say for sure, but I agree with dunkus. springs and shocks are definitely tuned to weight, so it would follow they're not the same. I think G60s might be the same as 'valvers, but that's just hearsay!!!! deag.
  8. deag

    Wheel bearings

    4stud, could you drop some pics, or do a how-to? I've been meaning to do bearings for a bit, and would appreciate it! thanks, deag.
  9. potatonet, what's the part numbers? I'll see if I can't find out if it's corrado specific or no. deag.
  10. I rang my garage this afternoon, who tell me they reckon it's a distributor issue, because it's intermittant. They didn't seem right sure. Anyone recommend a decent VW garage in the area (cheshire)? thanks, deag.
  11. cheers for the help. :) deag.
  12. Hi, Long time no post! Up to now, that was mostly because I had no time to tinker, and corrado had been bobbing along smoothly. But no longer! :cry: :cry: It developed a fault on friday, whereby the engine irratically lost power, or struggled to maintain idle, back-firing when at high revs, and generally coughing and spluttering. On thursday night, I had just refueled, and put in 40 litres, the most I've ever filled. So my best guess is some crud in the bottom of my tank has been sucked up into the gubbins, and is obstructing flow (it's a '90 16V, and I think has a 45L tank). It fires up ok, probably because the pump has a chance to fill the lines. Then, after a few minutes (or sometimes seconds), the revs start to wander about, and generally it drops down to below 500, and sits there struggling. Intervention of the throttle gives a brief respite, but even then the response is late, and irratic... So I got it towed to a local garage, because I ain't got time to do anything more useful than curse alot right now. Any advice on what the likely cause is, and how it could be fixed? Is it just a matter of clearing lines, or could something like the pump or filter need replacing? Any help much appreciated :? thanks, deag.
  13. Hi, Did pretty much this exact process on my 16V a while back, coolant levels all seem fine (just topped it up recently). But ever since the change, the water temp is reading around 70 (ie- it barely moves off bottom). It used to sit at about 90, as you would expect, but since my coolant renewal, something's wrong. Having read a few posts/threads on the topic of temp gauges, it seems this may not be uncommon. Can anyone enlighten me? Thanks, Deag.
  14. trev, by "tell-tale" I mean the green light on the switch. don't know if it's a proper tell-tale, but when I move my windows, it dims, so I presume that qualifys it. Follow the red wires back from the switch pack, one should join up with a black, green and brown (iirc), going across to the pass window. The second red goes off up into the column. Remove the cowl, and you should see where it goes in. Somewhere on this wire is a 20A fuse. If you haven't got similar wiring, post pics/description. Sorry for the delay, been out of the country for about a week! Jonester, See above description, you're looking for the same red wire into the column (that powers both window circuits). However, that's ONLY if your '92 VR6 has the same window circuit as the '90 16V. I'm sure someone more knowledgable will correct this, but I think you've a different circuit! Sorry. :? :? Deag.
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