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About G-Laden

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  • Birthday 08/12/1983


  • Location
    Manchester City Centre


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  1. Saw red H reg Rado with german plates, crystal m3's and keskin kt3's outside nottingham trent university library about half an hour ago..
  2. My friend is putting an Eaton M45 (of Cooper S fame) onto his 145 cloverleaf. he is a complete technohead, as has calculated that it saps exactly 11.67 bhp from the 155bhp T.Spark engine, but gives him 220 bhp to play with... typically so the T.Spark engines are very tough to tune, needing cams/head work/filter/exhaust/chip to get a mere 30bhp more from the 2.0 engine. When alfa were dominating the touring car circuit in the 93-94 season, they used the 1.8 T.spark as it has more torque comparatively than the 2.0 due to the lack of the cam variator. bit of info for you all there...
  3. I think everyone is forgetting the Fiat Coupe 20VT, even the 16VT would give a VR6 a run for its money, and the 20VT would im afraid anihalate a VR imho... Although with the Fiat servicing is a bugger as its an engine out job to get the cam chains replaced, not to mention stories of new turbo's and the legendary reliability issues with Fiat group gearbox's, i have had two gearbox's in my Alfa 145 and its only done 65k!! Lovely motors though the coupe..
  4. aha i see it now, cheers mate! think i prefer the earlier bonnet, they cant be too difficult to change over either in any case. those brocks look amazing on that black G60, a friend of mine has them on his 145 at the moment in a ridiculous size.. take a look
  5. Cant quite understand what you mean there my friend!! does anyone have a picture to represent it?
  6. Whats the difference cosmetically between the 92' models and the previous ones? ive heard about different grilles/headlights etc but cant pinpoint any difference, need two pitures showing the two seperately! cheers!
  7. understood, will hopefully be in touch...
  8. It depends really on how drastic the work is to have it removed, is the 65mm pully a hardcore one?
  9. v.interested... with the pully, is it easily removed? easily detectable (knock knock mr.insurance man) and what fuel economy do you get? lastly, where are you?!
  10. I reckon a cloverleaf down the straights and twisties would kill a 1.8 corrado, and a 2.0 one on the straights.. :wink: the problem with the 145 isnt grip, its the body roll, give it some FK springs/shocks its one of the best handling hatches out there, plus the engine note when the variator comes into play is aw inspiring.. still want a G60 though :D thats probably true about the handling but with a Rado u dont need to do anything to it to get an awesome drive - it comes as standard... my 145 was lucky to give me 30mpg and that was mostly motorway miles, the Rado, even with the probs i have just now is easily giving me 38 and i aint holding back when i drive it.... also i had to get rid of the 145 when it was 6 years old because of the problems i was beginning to have with rust, the whole of the underside of the car was in a mess, Rados 12 and she has a couple of little spots but nothing compared to the alfa... get a G60, have some fun n if u dont like it there are some lovely Cloverleafs about, u can always go back too..... Not sure about the best FWD hatch to date, after all, the Corrado and the Integra arent strictly hatches are they? Definately one of the best handling small coupes, along with the Fiat Coupe/Alfa GT. For its age nothing can touch the corrado full stop. hows about the 147/156 GTA. ive driven a 147 gta, and although its a little nose heavy (the dive/lift is apalling) it sticks to the road like dogger to a new suede shoe, not to mention looks the meanest hatch out there, the R32 doesnt touch it.. Why dont VW release a corrado replacement with the 20VT/3.2 engine in it? they would make a killing!
  11. I reckon a cloverleaf down the straights and twisties would kill a 1.8 corrado, and a 2.0 one on the straights.. :wink: the problem with the 145 isnt grip, its the body roll, give it some FK springs/shocks its one of the best handling hatches out there, plus the engine note when the variator comes into play is aw inspiring.. still want a G60 though :D
  12. thanks for the replies fellas. Im not into tornado red corrado's, its suits a mk2 golf gti. Gorgeous car though in great condition!
  13. Hi all, great website lads, I have been looking into getting a G60 now for a couple of weeks. The story goes, I used to have a Mk3 Golf Driver, it was my first car and loved it to pieces, when unfortunately i spooned it on christmas eve 2002 and wrote it off. I used to buy PVW and got the star letter in the wicker man issue back in July? 2002! I then went onto Alfa's, now i think Alfa fans and Dub fans have something in coomon, in that they like to keep things looking factory, or looking as if it came from the factoey, i.e no barry boy spoilers etc, just a clean looking ride. I have myself a 145 with the old skool boxer engines in it, being only a 1.6 8v its not the quickest but its no slouch, and its far quicker than my Driver. The time has come when i am looking to replace it, and my initial thought was 145 Cloverleaf (2.0 Twin Spark) as to be fair these cars are rapid, even in standard tune and great to look it. But then one day i thought to myself "I used to love the dub scene" and am a great fan of the Corrado in every guise, especially G60 (cant afford a VR6, let alone the insurance as final year of uni is beckoning) form. What should i look out for in terms of known problems and faults? im used to a high maintenance car having owned an Alfa, so keeping on top of the G-Lader servicing isnt a problem. Its just the things like how often do you change/top up the oil? are the thirsty (mpg?) and do they rust? (again, owning an alfa u need to know these things, even though mine hasnt been bad at all). Im looking for a standard as possible 40k+ (wishful thinking i know but you never mind) but no more miles than 80-90k, have cash waiting and need some tips people! Keep up the good work! if you ever fancy a look at some nice alfa's goto http://www.alfa145.co.uk (sorry if this forum has a "no other forums plug" policy. Chris
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