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Posts posted by lukeage

  1. Hi Have a couple of small areas of rust under the battery on the battery shelf (persume it's called a shelf).


    Just got hold of a small pot of hammerite kurust (rust treatment). Has anyone tried this stuff out yet?


    Afterwardds i plan to use a touch up paint to seal over the area's.

  2. A lot of folk seem to go for the K&N High Performance 57i Generation II Induction Kits.


    Being a new owner i am thinking of making this change myself - so we could both benefit from this thread!

  3. Hey All,


    This may just be me being paranoid, but my millege is going up at a fast rate it seems.


    I am going to test this by traveling a distance of which i know the actual millege and comparing to the clock read out.


    Basically over the past few days, i have made some small local trips and i have clocked up 70 miles!


    I suppose this is a premature post as i don't have any test results, but i thought i would ask on here in case anyones experience could nudge me as to what it may be, or what to look out for.




  4. After a few hours of messing around i have found what seems to work best for me.


    If anyone has tried all of the suggestions on here and they are still struggling, this may be the best way forward for you.


    I have started using Avant Browser as the main browser for viewing the manual. It works without any tweaking out of the box!. This is a free (as in beer) application, you can download from here:


    http://dl.filekicker.com/send/file/1459 ... -setup.exe


    I also noted that the CD needs to remain in the machine for the the manual to work. As i tend to leave my cd's all over the house, i made an ISO image using Alcohol 120% (not free) but there is a free ISO creator called CDburnerXP Pro which will do the job,




    Now in order to use the cd, without having the cd in your drive, you will need to mount the ISO image as a virtual cd drive (This means in effect you will see an extra cd rom icon within 'My Computer'. To do this you will need an application called 'deamon tools':


    http://www.daemon-tools.cc/dtcc/portal/ ... load&id=34


    Install daemon tools (this will need a reboot!)


    After installation you will need to mount the image.


    1. Right click the daemon tools icon in your taskbar - The taskbar is to the left of the clock.


    2. Hover the mouse over 'Virtual DVD/CD Rom'


    3. Hover the mouse over 'Device 0'


    4. Select 'Mount Image'


    5. Browse to the ISO image you created from the bentley CD and select 'Open'.


    After this the installer for bentley will start. If you have already installed, click cancel, if not you can install the manual from here.


    Ok - Start the Bentley application from the icon on your desktop (persuming you installed it there!).


    Open Avant Browser.


    Within Avant Browser:


    1. Tools


    2. Internet Options.


    3. Place the following address (url) into the 'home page' field:



    4. Press OK.


    5. Press the home icon on avant, or just close it and restart it.


    Hey presto - your good to go!


    As a note daemon will automatically mount the Bentley Image everytime you start your computer, so its handy for those who have managed to get this to work in IE6 as well.


    If anyone can't make to much sense out of the above and the demand suffices, drop me a pm and i will put together a step by step doc with screenshots.


    Also i have not looked into it much but i believe that avant may just be a GUI (graphical user interface) that sits on top of the IE active x component (translation, its the same as IE, so if you like it you could use it as your main default browser, who know's - up to you really).



  5. Just round the corner from my mums digs in bromley there was a guy called tony bianci who was a well know as a porche mechanic (a real pro at fibre glass molds / repairs) - his pet project was the reserection of a ford GT40 - i was lucky enough to get a spin round the block as a nipper.


    I think there is only 3 of them in the UK.

  6. Just round the corner from my mums digs in bromley there was a guy called tony bianci who was a well know as a porche mechanic (a real pro at fibre glass molds / repairs) - his pet project was the reserection of a ford GT40 - i was lucky enough to get a spin round the block as a nipper.


    I think there is only 3 of them in the UK.

  7. So what is the best combo? I am running as standard as it comes, the only time you really hear the grin factor 10 sound is when pushing her, i do love that sound, that was what sold me on the car amongst a number of other things - too long to list :)


    So does the miltek improve the audio as well as performance, i once heard someway say that it quietens it down more then anything?


    Call me a poser, but i am all up for hearing as much of that 6 pack as possible!

  8. same pic twice :-) headlight switch is the early style, the interior is the late one


    lovely leather , nice and smooth , cig lighter missing


    Opps will edit that - yeah missing cig lighter (from where i was charging the mob).


    Is that common to have a mix in the interior like that?

  9. Here are some better pic's - just finished giving her a manicure. Thought i best snap some photo's whilst the girlfriends mother's left her camara here.


    Just as i pulled her into the middle of the drive to snap some pic's two minutes of perfect sunshine on an otherwise overcast day came beaming down.


    Off to take her for a purr now.


    Cheers Fella's,















  10. Well done, getting that car, lukeage. :D

    You sprang into action real quick, and rightly so IMO.

    40K and well cared for - you've really hit the jackpot.


    Cheers Criagowl - i am totally chuffed, was well worth the wait. Just got in from driving her again with another huge Grin.



    Lukeage, still got her mate. In the process of putting it back to standard. All work on hold until after my sisters wedding next month, then I'll advertise it properly. We'll have to meet up somewhere round here once I've got it back on the road.

    Enjoy the car mate, it sounds a peach!


    Sounds good to me Asim. Where are you based?

  12. yeah and walked straight back out again!!


    he's miserable as sin


    *and at this point I really hop it isn't your G-Dad.





    Mate - i walk with my hands to far up from the ground to have any of his gene's.

  13. Lovely car mate. Moonlight's a lovely colour in the sun :wink:


    Hey Asim - I know yours was the first car that i salivated over, and the pics sat on my desktop as the background. Have you still get her mate, or did you find a buyer?

  14. Dedworth is rough - I used to live near Blockbusters - and it was scooter and doughnut action all night by the R5/Nova/Corsa/Fiesta crew all the time.


    I had to get out when they started setting fire to buildings and sitting on my "other" car.


    - you ever been into the motorspares shop run by the old codger?

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