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Posts posted by lukeage

  1. Mystic Blue Pearl Effect (Black leather) Classic Green Pearl (Beige leather)


    Be a little careful when buying a storm, most are genuine, but there are a few fakes out there.


    I looked at few storms, but settled on a moonlight blue vr6 (which had the black leathers as an option when bought new).


    But as the others said - main difference is the badges and having a limited edition (will always raise the premium). I personally love the mystic blue, the only pet hate i have is the internal storm badge on the gear stick (looks a bit to toy like) - thats on my HO though, not wanting to start a religous war :)

  2. Guys - I am really serious about dropping my car - it looks too high at the moment.


    One thing that concerns me - speed bumps and sharp inclines coming out of driveways? Whats your experience - is there a safe level to drop too, where i can get as low as poss, but not have to replan every journey around sleeping coppers and pot holes.


    By the way your cars are looking phat!

  3. It's true, these scroungers are knocking out kids like theres no tomorrow!

    Well I guess, lounging round the house all day, watching day time t.v probably not a lot else to do!

    And the people on planes, that really pi**es me off! they actually think there lives are so important they have to get up straight away, what the dip shi*s don't realise tho is everyone has to wait for there baggage anyway! haha.


    I know mate - its like getting on the bus, it ain't going nowhere until the last persons on.

  4. Loved the article on BBC Breakfast News this morning by some tree hugger saying how we should all use public transport. Like to see how I could get from deepest West Sussex to Chalfont so that I could do my job, earn my salary and pay my taxes to support some mother of ten who can't keep her legs shut, has never worked in her life and expects the State to keep her in a manner which allows her to have her Sky, cans of Heineken and fags


    Andy, you sound very sweet on your missus, surely your kidding?


    Mate - i reread your post, i am with you now. You mean supporting someone who sits on there arse - sorry mate :?

  5. Loved the article on BBC Breakfast News this morning by some tree hugger saying how we should all use public transport. Like to see how I could get from deepest West Sussex to Chalfont so that I could do my job, earn my salary and pay my taxes to support some mother of ten who can't keep her legs shut, has never worked in her life and expects the State to keep her in a manner which allows her to have her Sky, cans of Heineken and fags


    Andy, you sound very sweet on your missus, surely your kidding?

  6. I spoke to the guy at the local texaco and they are doing ok, they had a top up delivery of 25,000 litres this morning. But he did also state that he had been a blue ass fly with a long stream of cars coming in and out.


    I think this whole episode has been a joke really. As far as i can tell the protest had no effect on the fuel deliveries, at all - just joe public has shot himself in the foot, with this typical greedy hoarding we show. To top it all the oil companies have done alright this week, its every businesses hope to sell all there stock.


    I do dislike the streak we show as people, stuff like that always pisses me right off, i have to fly quite a lot for work and you always get the part where as soon as the plane stops everyone jumps up and sticks the elbows out - pulls out there bags from the overhead whilst twating some poor bugger across the back of the head with there samsonite. This is followed by them standing there for ten minutes huffing and puffing and stewing in a pool of resentment.


    I always just sit there and finish reading my book, can't be fecked with all that.


    To have to stay at home and not commute to work cause theres no petrol is far from bad for me..I mean how bad can an extended snooze and day washing the C be?

  7. http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/USB-KKL-for-Audi- ... dZViewItem


    This is what I have, works perfectly with VAG-COM 409-1 free software.

    There are plenty more on ebay, it's not as comprehensive as Kev's full monty kit but will show most faults and allow you to erase them.

    You need to make sure yours is the 16pin plug, I'm not sure which models/years had the 2+2 setup.


    I think i must have the 2X2 connector as mine is a 93/94 - the VAG-COM sticky thread states that the 16 pin was 95 and later.


    Bummer, i could have shelled out 29 quid's and got one right away.

  8. I went down to tesco's looking for some microfibre cloths but could not spot them. I have these shitty ones from halfords which you have to cut off of a roll - they leave small bits of fluff everywhere.


    Anyone got any microfibre spotting tips when the next tesco's run takes place.

  9. I suggest you all get it on VAG-COM, ISV could be the problem, MAF could also, change the fuel filter.

    VAG-COM will report most problems.


    I use to have stalling issues when slowing from high speeds (if I dipped the clutch) a new battery solved that problem. Something people tend to forget about.


    My next investment is going to have to be a VAG-COM - mine is 93/94 model (Dec 94) so i guess i need to search and find out which connector to use.


    Battery is new, so that out-rules that one.

  10. I am having the same issue - Mine starts fine, but can sometimes cut out if i dip in the clutch for too long (Every now and then i feel the steering go heavy where its cut out, so i lift the clutch and use that to roll the engine over and fire it back).


    I have read a few posts mainly suggesting the cleaning out of the ISV, coil pack (does not seem to have made a diff to most).


    This weekend i am going to have a look at cleaning the ISV and i am also going to lift the plugs out to have a look at there condition. There is a few guides on the CF.net on the ISV so will use them as a reference.


    My idle is not that great as well - it tends to burp and bump when idling but i have also heard this is a normal behavoir for the VR6.

  11. A kind of chuftie - in barcelona working at the moment. They have a lot of golfs over here and seats evrywhere you look, but not seen any c's yet.


    I spoke to taxi driver 'and i must admit' lured the convo towards car's - until i got the hook line and sink i had manipulated for 'So what do you drive at home' - 'A corrado vr6' - 'I yes, very very good car, my friend, we have not many here in spain, but yes, this is very very very nice car!'.


    Needless to say, total chuftie.

  12. Went to the local pub for sunday lunch, the car park entrance has one of those evil narrow metal speed bumps (which you need to go over realy slow). Anyway it was a sunny day and the bear garden was full of punters. They all looked round giving her the once over, and most of the blokes made quiet comments while nodding there heads up and down like the churchill dog - 'oh yas!' - being the humble guy i am i was chufted as feck :)

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