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Posts posted by lukeage

  1. Cheers Dave.


    I went to really nice location (tree lined bridge) and they all came out cr6p. On the way back pulled over the hard shoulder and they were a lot better, sods law.


    Oh and noticed how i have masked the ride height :)

  2. I would have bought a mystic had I come across one worth buying when i was looking (most of them were rats, unlike some of the ones on here) and green is not my color, but that’s only my opinion. In the end I went for my car as it was just what I wanted. I had obsessed over moonlight blue since seeing asim's vr6 (which i can't believe has not sold yet??)


    So it’s all in the eye of the beholder, simply down to an individuals taste.


    My missus does not get the corrado ting at all. She thinks it’s a pain in the arse to get in and out of the door esp when wearing high heals - If her prerogative in a cars dictated my own I would be posting to http://the-diesel-black-cabs.net


    However In my personal opinion (which is where we are free to differ) I know I would have been well chuffed to have owned a limited edition of an already rare classic such as the corrado esp in mystic blue. But I would not swap one for my moonlight blue now that were are together :)

  3. Therer was an incident in Egypt back in the 80s where the sons of high ranking officials assaulted and raped a girl. There was a big attempt to cover it up due to their family connections. The result - the lads were hanged and this was reported widely. Now it is TOTALLY safe for women to go out at almost any time in almost any place. Maybe we need something similar to illustrate to yobs and the like that this is their likely reward. Instead we lock em up in a 5 star prison at HUGE cost to the taxpayer. Who's the winner there?


    I can really vouch for that - i work a lot over in cairo and it is the safest place i have been. I am against the death penalty after hearing of some many innocents being electrocuted in texas - but i have to agree, you could lose you girlfriend in the middle of cairo and she will get home safe and sound.

  4. Its a deeply sad thing to happen, but people have been bludegeoning and stabbing each other for minor posessions for a long time now (esp in the victorian england). Murder is most foul..but its nothing new. But i do agree with all - i think about this happening to my girfreind or family and it sickens me.


    As far what to do with them - vivisection!


    why use basset hounds and monkeys when you can use some chav who is completley surplass to the needs of society. You know shampoo in the eyes and drinking pints of washing up liquid and smoking ten fags at a time.



  5. I have seen loads of them over here (florida) - but i have yet to spot one rado :(


    The main reason they have them down south is protect the front from 'love bugs' - little critters that splat over the front of the car. They have a 'acidic' blood which can erode the paint. Quite a few of the bra's have two loops on the front - i think these are for mouting your cow bull horns.

  6. No worries - make sure you fill via the top hose though and keep your eyes shielded when you take off the drain plug (it don't come out in a single pour it splashes off everything) goggles are the best bet or loosen it and then get your head out of the way when you release the last few thread of the plug.

  7. Ive only heard once case of chains slapping on an auto VeRa i went to see. Someone else here described it best 'marbles rolling in a bowl'


    120k is no doubt a good time to get them done, if you have the cash to spare.

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