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Everything posted by reubenwilliams

  1. yeah I wish i could budget for that but It's going to be a home job... we'll see how it goes
  2. Colinstubbs you are my new friend!! :norty: That is what I wanted someone to say, well not 'wanted' but was expecting. That is what I was thinking / seems to fit with all the symptoms but it hasn't ever come back probably because I dont drive it that much being a 4spd and a skint student combined! We shall have a look soon, thanks for your help
  3. we tried selecting gears from under the bonnet to rule out worn bushing - no luck. :shrug:
  4. No sorry, all the others are fine, its just no sign of 5th!
  5. I dont think its that mate we had a look at them - you cant even get it to acknowledge anything even pushing it to the max! I'd had that as my hope too but my luck just isnt that good! Cheers though for the thought.
  6. Hi all, I'm in a Mk2 GTi 8v atm but was wondering if anyone had had any similar problems to this: Driving home from leamington in 5th, put my foot down to overtake and it fell out of gear... Now it wont enter 5th at all. I also have a very rattly noise coming from the gearbox when in neutral but it goes away when the clutch is down. Any ideas? cheers
  7. My 2.0l valver was £1400 TPFT. standard of course. 1 years NCB, 10k miles (19 years old). I didnt want to know what full comp was! now im paying £1200TPFT on a lowered and exhausted 8v Mk2 GTi (im 20 now). "Yes sir, we'll insure you, just bend over for us we won't keep you a minute! "
  8. other gauges all read ok, water a little high but thats because the water temp is a little high :roll: !!! This should take care of those gremlins :snipersmile: :dwarf: atleast until I can sort it out...
  9. Nice thread G60ING! I did think a Mk3 engine would be easier than a 4. But i keep being recommended the mk4 PD... What sort of figures have you got from your mk3 TDI?
  10. Hello all, curious pattern i've just sort of noticed. I thought that the pressure must be low and setting off the buzzer because the oil strainer was gunked up and it was just aggrovated when rounding corners as the oil moved in the sump... BUT. I now have another pattern, it's when i put on the left indicator! only sometimes and again usually on roundabouts! discovered this when i was about to turn left out of my road at about 15mph indicator on - buzzer on, indicator off - buzzer off. avoided using indicators (highly recommended i know) and sure enough no oil buzzer for journey... what can the indicators possibly have to do with a buzzer system?
  11. Ok, took of the gearbox plug. Insanely tight. there was no way it needed to be that tight. in comes the heavy duty steel tubing to get the leverage needed to undo! :bad-words: When will people learn? It's not going to win any deep gearbox oil contests, but plenty in there. Thought - could the beeper be right- (although i'm sure it is more likely to be broken judging on the C's ability to break its own parts) and the oil strainer in the sump be clogged which is restricting flow? may be worth a check before jumping into a new oil pump... Thanks
  12. OK - at work at the mo, although you'd never guess it. Will give it all a go tonight I hope. Thanks guys :salute:
  13. spot on guys, well maybe... I shall check all of the above tonight and let you know. Thanks for all your help. I hope no cracks or leaky seals! a nice £7 broken sensor would be a well deserved break from the expensive!!! Hope I can get to E38 on sat and get a nice Mk2 driver as a runaround so i can finally start stripping my C to start the project...
  14. Hmm, I only suggest gearbox oil because its a very distinct smell and is pretty clean! (engine oil needs a change soon... not clean!)
  15. Really? Oh good, i have some of that. engine all seems an ok level though. Thought just the light was for engine oil and the 2 buzzers where for gearbox oil pressure? What oil would you recommend for the valver then - it runs fairly warm, oil up to 110 so synthetic maybe?
  16. Hello all, oil buzzer started going off today only a second or so :mad: (just one thing after another...) - seems to be the midrange buzzer - only when cornering at a reasonable pace. however I'm sure i've been loosing a little oil for a while so want to top up tonight. Does anyone know what gearbox oil to put in a 2.0L valver? any help asap would be great - if before 6 I can do it tonight! thanks guys
  17. OK guys, stupid question but it jumped to mind yesterday when filling my C after replacing pain in the a :!: se water out flange from head because o ring was gunked and weeing water. If you fill from the rad top hose. Wont it all pee out when u lower the hose to attach it back to the engine? or am i talking something of a silly? The big fat rad hose? because mine seems to join to the engine lower down, so when u lower it water will pee out and there will be an air pocket again!! :scratch: This smily pops to mind but he doesnt look confused / simple enough to do this Q justice! thanks
  18. My drivers door looks like that, I assumed it was just over use as there is no paint damage to the door or any visible sign of damage to the handle... Is there a soution to it / how do I fix? cheers
  19. Long time since looked at this - not because we fixed it though -D'oh. Found the cause of the problem - fan ground not connected to battery! that was a £400 bill from overheating in traffic! and Inditech mechanics didnt spot it. Called them to complain- ' yeah we knew it didnt have a ground but couldnt find where the fault was' Have a clue - circuits need to be just that, a circuit. not a line!!! grrh. After popping up the bonnet and working to the same conc as them we traced the wire and ended up with it loose in our hand! luckily we took it out after they'd replaced the bits it needed so didnt loose much money on a useless investigation... Was browsing another post and saw the bit about the fan speed controller fuse, Mine appears to just have a 30 Amp fuse which is broken but appears to still be touching so will change tonight... Also it's now leaking from block water out flange - so new one tonight and lots of G12 coolant to make it happy. new bottled water every night just isn't the same i'm sure...
  20. Pully, Windy, all sensible looking again 8) this Monday I hope to have the mech out and cleaned - if i can just find that darn guide on here somewhere?
  21. Right, here is the plan so far. (I'm thinking 2 years to complete based on the fact it's my student loan covering it!) Time for a new car - anyone with a decent Mk2 Driver 1.6 please contact me! For sale soon. engine and interior from my C! Strip completely over next few months for respray sometime late this year - fingers crossed the student loan can take that hit - Hopefully saving enough next summer for the engine / g.box / loom / ecu... and continue rebuild next summer maybe a year in industry is due to fund it!!
  22. Well tonight I shall give pulling and turning a go! just turning deff not any fun! that sound like it could be a useful tip! and maybe something that I should have tried!
  23. Hi guys JMC, thats a great offer and much appreciated (nice people on here) but am so busy atm, moving house and and general house chores, and other funny things that just take time! chipping tiles is the new friday night activity of choice - and knocking door holes in walls. Spoiler mech sounds correct, I tried to wind it down the other day - assuming i was winding the funny rounded/ inverted rectangle shaped bit? couldn't get it to move an inch or a cm.. maybe a degree (but not two) ! Mine seems to be routed with the ABS through that fuse as the warning light doesn't come on any more - so at least one good thing from this then! maybe it was that big powerful warning light because my ABS has no rear pickups :wink: ??? that propaply drawing 15.1 amps? lol maybe I can dig out a fuse from my mums car and use that to test... cheers all more soon - weather dependant
  24. Poo. :mad2: Blew another fuse. the hunt shall continue... I am going to remove the trim and unplug the motor to see if It blows another without that circuit., just to try and narrow the hunt down! sounds like a wiring diagram would be useless unless they were issued to individual cars!!!
  25. YOU ARE ALL STARS!!!! 8) Number 15. Blue. 15 amp. not a happy fuse... So I shouldnt be looking for a serious cause then? these just go every once in a while? Cheers for your all help, new fuse tomorrow morning!
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