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Everything posted by dr_mat

  1. dr_mat

    Bling or Bleurgh?

    You mean like... Still think they look crap. But then that could just be my quality GIMP work..! LOL
  2. Are you using your psychic powers or simply stating your wishes?!
  3. The chassis numbers of Storms are NOT sequential - don't fall into that trap. The only way to tell for sure if it's a storm is to note the chassis number and call VW - they will have it on record if it was a storm or not. If it's genuinely Mystic Blue and hasn't been resprayed I'd say it's almost certainly a storm anyway. As has been pointed out, the aircon was retro-fit on ALL RHD corrados.
  4. Warranties can be useful. They'll include everything mechanical and suspension, but will specifically exclude exhausts, brakes, consumables sort of thing. Head gasket is covered, for example, but timing belts/chains is a grey area. A timing belt with a fixed replacement interval would NOT be covered, but a timing chain with no fixed replacement time? You'd have to check the details of the policy, since it's a part of the engine and designed to last the life of the engine (quoting VW there) there's room to argue about that one. Another thing to bear in mind is the warranty can usually only be bought for a car with
  5. dr_mat

    MAF Testing

    The newer cars with the electronic throttles do the basic setting recalibration periodically automatically I believe. Didn't someone find genuine recon MAFs available from the US for about $130 a while back?
  6. dr_mat

    MAF Testing

    (IIRC the reduced price for the Golfs and Beetles was because of a MAF reliability issue that VW identified with those particular cars. In cases like that, because they are seeing a lot of warranty replacements of the part, they drop the price, cos it lowers VW UK's total cost associated with dealing with those warranty repairs. Same with the Lupo wipers, according to Henny.)
  7. dr_mat

    MAF Testing

    Someone (RW1?) wrote up a huge post on the "VR stall issue" a while back saying that a lot of the time it's an ECU basic settings issue. If the ECU is setup properly for the car and it's sensors, it doesn't happen. If some bits are changed and they don't do the right things, then it's possible that this can happen. Or it's possible that the old calibration will be OK and the ECU will be fine. Bit of a lottery. It all seems to come down to the fact that the ECU calibrates lots of things off against each other - so if the original baseline is way out, it will never work right, no matter that the RELATIVE calibration of all the sensors to each other will work out ok in most circumstances.
  8. It's cheaper to have no exhaust. But that's not exactly productive in the context of the current conversation either.
  9. Did you ask GPC? They might be able to get the same bits for less.
  10. Yeah, and the old one had a mild steel overpipe too, and that hadn't rusted through after 8 years, so I don't see why this one should, either..
  11. Well it's genuine (or mine is), but of course it was made in 1993 or so, and it's been sitting around for a while... Yes mine seems a little louder than the original one too, and yes, the over pipe is rusted, but the old one was too.. Who knows? I just put it down to the lack of 8 years of coking-up..
  12. I think you must have got the last of the VAG exhausts from GSF Kev, cos as pointed out to me by StuartFZR400, they no longer seem to have that part number listed. Perhaps they only had two, and I had the other one... :)
  13. I thought Kev was the one who recently paid several hundred quid for a closely fitted leather outfit? Or did I misunderstand something?
  14. You need to VAG-COM scan it. If it's down on power that much that it's noticeable there's probably a duff sensor.
  15. Head gasket went at the same time? ;)
  16. Hello, Newer car = lose money on depreciation Older car = lose money by repairing it Corrado VR6 is thirsty on the fuel, particularly about town, and expensive to insure due to the price of parts and the number of idiots who kill themselves doing it. But only you can decide if you can afford it... You might have only servicing costs for three years and it might cost you £5k in repairs in the same time, who knows!
  17. dr_mat

    MAF Testing

    "the cutting out problem" - which cutting out problem? The MAF is easy enough to test .. with the right equipment. But what makes you think the MAF has anything to do with stalling? Stalling is more likely to be an idling problem, and the MAF has nothing to do with idling.
  18. And Jim summarises what I tried to say perfectly.. :)
  19. Corrado VR6: sports car (ish) Golf VR6: grand cruiser (ish (bear with me here) ) I can see where the comment is coming from - they're aimed at different markets and driven in different ways ON AVERAGE. (Sweeping generalisations are easier to make when you have scant evidence for it. ;) ) It is quite possible that the tiny extra bore-out has exposed weaker metal and that's what makes the 2.9 more prone, but it's also possible that it's caused by the slightly hotter running that the Corrado 2.9 does compared to the Golf 2.8. But who knows? It's something that has happened over the last ten years, it's hard to look back at the history of all those cars now and try to spot patterns.
  20. Stainless isn't necessarily better - ask Delorean!
  21. Zinc is good. Prevents rusting, after all..!
  22. Zinc goodridge hoses? I wasn't even aware there were other types. What's the differences and pros/cons?
  23. I never said *I* believed they improved performance... Some people do though... Many people *have* claimed that the reduced weight is good, which it no doubt is, but given how heavy a Corrado is anyway I don't see the point myself..
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