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Everything posted by dr_mat

  1. I *can* see the point actually. If you punt up and down motorways 500-1000 miles a week and your VR costs you £250-400 a month in petrol, then a TDi conversion is exactly what you need. The plus points of a Corrado handling and styling and TDi efficiency/reliability. And it's not like they're actually *slow* any more, just not as exciting to listen to or drive. Horses for courses, I say. I can see the point even more if you spend your whole life stuck in traffic in London - then you're really wanting a TDi.. For everyone in between it's of less benefit I would say.
  2. There's a place on the basingstoke road, just north of safeway that I've seen. No idea what they're like though, I have no experience of 'em.
  3. Who would want a massive bill? But look at it another way and think that a new Focus RS will cost you £7k in depreciation over three years.. £7k will rebuild your VR6, replace all the suspension, buy a couple of sets of tyres and have money left over for a schrick, remap and even some small change towards a supercharger.. ;)
  4. Mine weren't broken either, just a missing clip (though they were replaced by one of the previous owners). Works fine now, and since I know to be careful they should continue to work fine ...
  5. dr_mat

    Door card removal

    .. weeellll I was trying to support the door card with my right hand, and kneeling on the floor, and ... Yeah, obviously I missed it. I'll have to do it all again anyway, so hopefully I'll spot it now I know it exists..!
  6. From what I've always heard, the later dash is plasticky and keeps breaking and although the early dash looks a little dated, you just don't seem to find mk 2 golfs with bust heater controls..
  7. dr_mat

    Door card removal

    Hmm, I think I could feel the thing from when I was fiddling around behind the door card, and if I was right, it should be on the "front" side of the speaker (I was taking the driver's door card off - so the left). I simply couldn't see a screw head behind the grille, even though I was fully aware that there simply had to be another bolt somewhere down there...
  8. dr_mat

    VR Plug Leads

    Well last time anyone asked you could still get the red ones. But they are sold individually at £extortionate. You can buy the OEM leads (but in black) from C+R enterprises iirc. Take a look at the search, there's a thread detailing part numbers and all the different lead choices.
  9. dr_mat

    Door card removal

    Damnit, couldn't find the screw behind the speaker grille. I even took the speaker grille off and looked at the speaker, but that was all I saw: speaker.. Where is that elusive last screw??
  10. That is true - BMW's warranty service is top notch. A mate had a 50k mile 318 E36 that lost third gear. They don't just replace the part, they send the old one back to the techies at the factory to be dismantled so they can work out why it failed!
  11. ~1 litre from max to min.. Head recondition weighs in at about £700-1000.
  12. Hit the search, dude, lots of previous info out there about this.
  13. You're the nervous type, jhanlon? Are you sure you're up to the responsibility of owning a sports car... ;) Ask on the RX7 fan boards how many unthrashed RX7s have rebuilt engines. Ask about BMWs with cracked heads or nickasil problems, ask about TVR engine rebuild rates, ask about Lotus engine rebuild rates. This is not a Nissan Micra. After 100k delivering 200bhp an engine becomes tired. You'll never break a tonka toy, but the material strength doesn't scale up as the size does, so in just the same way, a cylinder block for a VR6 uses the same strength metal as that in a 45 bhp Nissan Micra. I think you're worrying too much. The Corrado VR6 is a car you buy with your balls (I was going to say heart, but I don't think that's right), not your head.. :) Buy one, enjoy it. If it breaks, fix it. Que sera.
  14. A pint every 400 miles? Jeez. At least you don't have to bother with oil changes, you'll have replaced every molecule of your oil twice over after 6000 miles of driving!! I would go get some 15w40 semi-synthetic or even mineral oil and you should see that figure drop to something more sensible while you think about what to do next..
  15. dr_mat

    VR6 Misfire

    You can see pretty quickly if your TPS is dead using the VAG-COM measuring blocks. There is a measuring block that reports throttle angle. It should move smoothly from zero throttle (between 5-15 degrees) to full throttle ( greater than 90 degrees) position. If you see jumps, hiccups or the like in the numbers, then you need a TPS.
  16. dr_mat

    VR6 Misfire

    I dunno how it works. All I can tell you is that I and many other v.late VR6 drivers do NOT report a splutter and death when unplugging the MAF at idle. But I can tell you my MAF *is* working because the car drives like a dog if I actually attempt to drive off without reconnecting it. Perhaps the ECU is intelligent enough to just carry on doing what it was doing before ... rather than suddenly overreacting? After all, the stall on your cars has to be at the request of the ECU. If the ISV, timing and injector pulses are left alone the engine will continue idling unchanged.
  17. Bit worrying, but maybe it was just a one-off failure? I'd just try another (genuine) plug and see what happens.
  18. dr_mat

    VR6 Misfire

    Do you have the OBD - type ECU connector or a 2x2?
  19. Hmm. Does your ECU have final code "CP"?
  20. dr_mat

    VR6 Misfire

    No, on a late VR6 the engine does NOT splutter and die when idling and you disconnect the MAF. This may be true for the earlier cars, but not the late ones.
  21. There should be a small adjustment screw thread on the sender unit itself, no need to bend the float arm. But you should note that if it reads full when it's full, it's correctly adjusted. You can't do anything about linearity at part-tank loads. Let's face it, the tank isn't square, so the gauge *will* go down quicker in the latter part of the tank.
  22. FYI the DM was the "highbrow" news option in our works canteen until very recently, so I have plenty of experience of picking holes in their editorial.. Anyway, it would be a stupid world if everyone repeatedly bought things they didn't like, wouldn't it?
  23. I would expect pinking at very high revs if fuel supply was an issue myself, so I doubt it's that. I would suggest right now that you do the ECU reset and see how it goes.
  24. That's fightin talk, that is ... :) The Daily Fascist is the most ignorant knee-jerk reactionary pile of mob-inciting toss that you can buy in the UK. And the worst thing about it is it's pretence at being "interlecshuall" and moderate. Whenever there's a fuss in the media about the latest dumbing-down, the latest bird who gets her tits out on big brother or something, the Daily Mail is the first to run a full page spread on how AWFUL it is, and how it SHOULDN'T be allowed. Oh and they print the pictures in full... :roll: Opinion is one thing, hypocricy is another. But I guess this thread was never about the Daily Mail, so getting back on-topic: Don't misunderstand me, I don't support the right of folks to move into a school field, turn it into a hole and then move on without any comeback or cost on their part. Everyone has to contribute to our society, myself and Daily Mail readers alike, and those that consider themselves to be outside of that normal society should not be allowed to be a drain on the rest of us. The human race has to cooperate to survive. It's how we got this far. All that said, they have a right to their chosen lifestyle. I do not have a problem with them doing their own thing, living their own way, within the acceptable limits of society. Clearly in these specific examples they went beyond what was acceptable.
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