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Everything posted by dr_mat

  1. Completely unrelated, but do your seat-back angle-adjuster knobs rattle, by the way? Mine do.. Anyone who knows how to stop it will be saving my sanity... Can't say I've ever been a fan of white cars in general, either, but this one does look pretty good. I'd have to resist the temptation to put some blue flashing lights behind the rad grill and use them for "traffic calming" (ahem) though.. :)
  2. CD audio standard (i.e. 16 bits) is signal to noise of (IIRC) 96 dB. Most good hifi amps claim nearer 110dB S/N, as do CD players. Anything over 96 isn't much use, cos it's better than the resolution of your source. :) And anyway, we're talking about in-car here.... Background noise of about 60-70dB at motorway speeds...
  3. Oh yeah, no question there's a limit. I hit it pretty early after getting my VR - the engine is just so smooth that if you're not using the throttle you'd barely be able to tell it's revving hard. I found myself doing 70-ish in 2nd gear and the engine was spluttering and missing and we weren't gaining speed... Grab third and it's grab your coat tails back again and off we go... I don't do that any more though - now that I'm used to it. There's not really any need to go about 5500 rpm on even a standard VR6, let alone one with a Schrick (3k -> 4k being the most useful section now :) ).
  4. Yes there's a rev limiter, it's in the ECU. You need a rechip to alter it (and even then it's a nasty hack), or a complete replacement engine management system. I understand there may be a slightly different rev limit for early and late VRs, but mine hits a brick wall at about 6700 rpm.
  5. There is a damper on the throttle body to prevent the butterfly from slamming shut in the event of you lifting off suddenly. It should gently lower the butterfly closed, THIS is why at very low revs/small throttle openings you notice this kind of behaviour. The engine is on it's normal program, so it's providing fuelling, and then you lift off - you've got a lag on the throttle closure, when this lag finishes, the engine switches straight to overrun program, i.e. almost no fuelling. This makes a big difference at low revs... Or something like that.
  6. Just checked my "spreadsheet of shame": the C has cost me £5000 just in repairs ALONE in two and a half years. That doesn't include the new steering rack and rechip that has to go on next month. Nor does it include the purchase of the Schrick manifold, nor the bits of trim and wheels I've updated. I've been unlucky, I know that, but I think anyone would be pissed off if faced with that kind of figure. I'd like to point out aswell, that the car WORKED PERFECTLY when I bought it - it's not that I bought a car with a shed load of problems, I simply owned it at just the wrong time... :(
  7. Less of the cheek, boy. Just cos you found a Corrado that actually WORKS, doesn't mean you should rub it in! :(
  8. The general gist of this thread appears to be coming down to: Q: Steering problems? A: Replace all the suspension, the steering components and all the bushes. :)
  9. dr_mat

    Rear brakes

    £55 each for genuine non-refurbed rear calipers is a bargain! They're usually nearer £120 each! I had new refurbed Lucas ones fitted to mine a while back, Mk3 style. They were £60 each. (And have been ok for 18 months... So far...)
  10. Perhaps you have a sticky throttle cable, or a clutch that's a bit worn? The clutch should self adjust but if it's on the verge of slipping, the slightest touch on the pedal will allow the engine revs to rise.
  11. Sure it's not just a shrunk picture of an estate car..?? ;) I don't like the back end of it myself. I would probably not give two hoots if I was driving it, mind.. :)
  12. dr_mat

    VAG-COM codes help

    Yes, time to check the wiring again I guess. What's the best stuff to spray on the contacts, and do Halfrauds sell it? Does the power to the ABS controller go off with the ignition, by the way, or do I need to disconnect the battery when unplugging and replugging all this stuff?
  13. dr_mat

    VAG-COM codes help

    By that I mean that the LIGHT came on while I was coasting in gear, NOT braking, suggesting that this code was logged at that time. Of course I couldn't check the error code till I got home, but as a) the unit is deactivated when the light is on and b) this was the only error code, it must have happened when the light came on... I don't have the registered VAG-COM, so maybe that's why there's no further details on the 2nd line.. :(
  14. dr_mat

    VAG-COM codes help

    Also - another interesting point - how the hell can the above code come up when I'm NOT BRAKING?!
  15. Anyone know what the other details that come along with the error code means? e.g. 00276 - ABS outlet valve: left rear (N136) 35-00 - - What's the second line about?
  16. The cool thing about red lights in the US, is not just that they don't mean the same as over here, it's that they don't mean the same from state to state. And the sign that tells you what the rule is, is written in 2cm high lettering on a small sign on the OTHER side of the road (admittedly ahead of you), but that's sometimes over 7 lanes of traffic away, and you're supposed to be able to read it! :) The only good thing I ever found about navigating in the US was the grid/block system in the cities, and the fact that all signs will indicate a direction - i.e. North/South/East/West. Other than that the signage is pretty poor compared to the stuff we have in the UK. IMHO. ;)
  17. And having spoken to AVS the set for £58.13 is for distributor cars. The later cars have very slightly shorter leads (just a couple of cms each) and different ends - they have all-metal ends, rather than the metal/rubber combo on early cars. Hence a higher price: £67.82. Note these are not RED - they will be black leads, as far as the guy can tell me.
  18. Hmm. My Local Ford garage says HT leads 1/2 are £18.49 each others are £16.25 each .. which makes a lot more than the £70 or so other people have been quoted. They also quote £86.84 for the aux belt tensioner, so it sounds like even VW are cheaper!
  19. Yeah - not sure if they are the coilpack or distrib leads tho - can someone confirm?
  20. Well yeah, it's the same engine pulling an extra 200kg...
  21. dr_mat

    GB - HID lights

    New Astra touts headlights that follow your steering too...
  22. Give Volks-apart a ring. They offered me a 2nd hand rack for £60...
  23. Flush your internet cache and your cookies for the site, and log back in!! :)
  24. I'm sure someone had found a source for OE Beru red leads for not much more than a tenner a lead - i.e. about £60-70 the set...
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