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Everything posted by dr_mat

  1. Because then I wouldn't have anything to moan about. Why?
  2. no, triple. no tripe anywhere to be seen, kev... ;)
  3. AFAIK the R32 engine is a rebore of the 2.8 24v, but with the addition of variable valve timing and triple-duct variable inlet manifold.
  4. Slightly off topic, but I was chatting to a guy that works on Peugeots yesterday, and he said that a few weeks ago he serviced a Pug 309 diesel with - get this - 537,000 miles on the clock..!!!! 8-) And of course, this was without any engine work either. I'll be very impressed if a Corrado can make the half million without requiring at least ONE engine rebuild!
  5. Surely the required travelling companion when you own a Corrado is a mechanic? Oh, and your bank manager to authorise the loans when the mechanic finds out what's wrong.
  6. So roll the clock forward to now - you can now buy a VR6 for the price of one Ka. The wonders of depreciation, eh? Of course, the running costs of one VR are around 1.5 Kas per-year, compared to the running costs of a Ka being about 0.002 VR6s per year...
  7. And you get the glorious V6 sound and smoothness, too. The best of all worlds. I want one... (A Corrado R32 that is, not a TT..)
  8. That would make sense, given the abysmal torque at idle on the 2.9, and the rough idling..
  9. I suspect that's just a corrado trait, mine certainly does that, and it's not logged any faults (yet). My feeling on the ECU reset is - if you change anything, do it. It's not gonna cost you anything, and you get to wipe the slate clean and adapt to the current condition of the engine, not how it was six months ago (the majority of the adaptation will occur pretty shortly after the reset). Ask kev about his TPS change - the ECU reset was the only thing that prevented the thing from ticking over at 1200rpm!!
  10. Right so it's a fluke then! ;)
  11. Probably the ECU wasn't in fully-adapted mode then, if it's been running without a CPS it'll probably be in "safe" mode. They'll need to reset the ECU after the replacement, I'd say. Mine idles at 650rpm too, it does seem low, but I think that the ECU does that when it's fully adapted.
  12. Don't see why it would whistle, unless the bearings were messed up or the belt was slipping. You're sure it's not our old friend the belt tensioner?
  13. Coming from where, roughly? Most likely culprits are any components on the aux belt.
  14. I saw that one, and was going to bid, but I've no indication of how many miles are on it, so I didn't in the end. Can't be doing with fitting any more 2nd hand parts..
  15. Do you need the hazet tool when you've got the shrek?
  16. Also - I suspect you'll find from previous threads that the G60 isn't exactly economical either..
  17. If money was no object then I don't think I'd be buying a Corrado, but that's a whole other thread...
  18. Read the above - the lighter is a myth. Well, strictly it's true, but 50kg is not the night-and-day that most people seem to suggest there is.
  19. I think you answered your own questions... As for performance, with almost identical bodies/wind resistance, it'll come down to power/weight ratio. The VR is about 50kg heavier, that's it. Which is 4%.
  20. The Iridium plugs ain't cheap! If you're planning to keep the car for 60k they might be worth it, however. I've also been thinking similar things, due to the Shreks' fundamental design flaw! I think you can buy the hazet tool on ebay. Shipping from the US is probably cheaper than VW prices... In fact, I can't see a Hazet tool at the mo, but there's a set of Denso Iridium plugs for $65 US. Complete with 250,000 mile or TEN YEAR warranty!! :lol:
  21. Buying a new one would be hideously expensive, jedi. You'd really have to be lucky and buy a written off car with a good engine. And those are going to be pretty rare. When you consider that a 12v vr6 engine costs £3600 from VW (in 2.9 litre guise) - and that will be a rebore of a dead 2.8, so it's probably already seen 150k miles service. A brand new cylinder block for the Corrado VR6 is (I believe) about £3k from VW. And that's just the cylinder block, nothing else...
  22. The crank case is *supposed* to breathe into the induction system, yes, but it'll breathe anywhere it can escape to a lower pressure environment, so if you pull the oil filler cap it'll breathe there I would imagine..
  23. Aftermarket uprated, maybe. An OE set can be had for about £100 total.
  24. dr_mat

    top speed prob?

    Don't forget that's speedo-reading 145mph.. A very inexact science.
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