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Everything posted by R1chy99

  1. Welcome :wave: Looks like you got a bargain there, although what do I know, I spent £220 on an RX7 with no compression & sold it again for £85 :cuckoo: Rich
  2. Yeah it seems pretty good, came with a crackin' instruction DVD..... 2 hours of some dude polishing cars, my girlfriend was SOOOOOOOOOOOO excited about watching that :lol:
  3. Well there was no way I was carrying it home, had to walk home & get the car :clap:
  4. Ha ha that was next on my list of thingies to do.... PM you to say they've arrived safe & sound. Maaaaaaaaaaaan that was a heavy box though, courier dude parked at the end of the street and carried them to where I work, he was regretting that by the time he got there. Thanks though :D
  5. Thought I'd add some new pics as I've had the car for 6 months now. Haven't done a lot noticable just the usual bit of niggle fixing. I am, however quite pleased with the way it's polished up & the £40 Ebay wheels..... Oooh you gotta love a bargain. Rich 312mm brakes to go on next, just have to figure out how :?
  6. Like the title says, I've got a collection of oil leaks, 3 I think but the worst seems to be coming from the seal around the crankshaft sensor. Any idea if I can just buy the seal or whether I've gotta buy the whole thing & is it an easy swap without a ramp & not much headroom? Cheers and all again Rich
  7. I'd be interested to hear how you get on with them if you wouldn't mind sharing the experience. Rich
  8. Have you used them? I've been tempted to pay a visit to Wheel Wizards in St Austell but seeing as I only paid £40 for the wheels I'm not that excited about spending a fortune on 'em :)
  9. He he tell me about it, I've gone from a 1 year old 330bhp Impreza STi to a 14 Yr old Corrado and I love the Corrado.... reminds me of my old MKII Golf GTi I had about 10 years ago, or at least how I want to remember that car any way :D
  10. Dragon Green VR affectionately called "Colin" It's very much a work in progreess at the mo, has been a daily driver for both me and my strumpet recently while we sold the others & moved house. Now after serving his purpose most admirably, (it's AMAZING what you can fit in the back of a 'Rado with the seats out when a trip to the dump is needed) he's back to being a 2nd car so work can start again, Just had MOT & service done at RK and they were nicely positive about the car. Next stop is to find a decent bodyshop around here (I'm in St Awful) and to get the £40 bargain Ebay wheels sorted. Rich
  11. I can handle car envy when they're all so far away, up in the big smoke an' all that but not when it's just up the road.... Looks good & if I wasn't such a liability with a hacksaw I'd have a go.
  12. Ello I'm in Cornwall, St Awful to be more precise & mine's just been for a trip to RK & they were thoroughly complimentary about it so they're my new friends :) I've got a Dragon Green VR that my girlfriend's using to go to work and back at the minute until her car's sorted so if you see us about give us a wave.... Cheers an' all Rich
  13. Fixed it....... Loose bolt on the reverse select thingy going into the gearbox, I now can return from whence I came without turning around. Ta for the help though
  14. RK, but it was only a quick chat over the phone, they haven't seen it.
  15. This is a begging for help thread.... I stuck the car in Reverse yesterday & it went forward, tried it again & it still went forward. Pushed it out of the parking space & took it for a spin & it appears that reverse is now 1st, 2nd can only be engaged when going from 1st & leaving the stick in the "pressed down" reverse position, then it pops up & selects 3rdm 4th & 5th fine although there seems to be LOADS of play in the gear selector while it's in gear, almost like it's in neutral. I've searched on here & tried the thread about the linkage adjustment & fiddled with the bolt under the gaitor but this makes no difference, after a quick chat with a local garage they've told me I need a new gearbox!!! Is this true? Didn't notice any rattles or noises from the gearbox before it happened. Any help would be VERY gratefully received & I'm willing to swap any offers of help for beer in the Cornish sun :D Thank yoooooooooo \rich
  16. I've got one..... Driver's foot rest, the piece of plastic next to the clutch, I know 'cos I tried to order one today. Anyone got one? 8) However the same people told me that Lupo wiper arms would NEVER fit a Corrado and they didn't come with Aero wipers any road, not even the GTi so no luck with that one either, going back with a big stick another day to give someome a poke and a printed "how to" guide with part numbers.
  17. Hello, I'd like an all singing all dancing one too please.... If this thread is still current. Cheers n beers Rich
  18. Thanks to daves16v steering wheel arrived promptly and is "suh-weeet" Cheers dude Rich
  19. R1chy99

    Best Headlights?

    Ooooooooh I like the look of them, think I might need me some of those. Not sure about the Chrome or black Inpro lights though, black a bit dark, chrome a bit bling, don't they do kinds "non chrome"? Sorry for the thread hijack dude... Rich
  20. R1chy99

    Best Headlights?

    I'looking at doing exactly the same and I'm the same colour as you too so I'm not much help but I'll watch your answers with enthusiasm :D
  21. I LOVE Momo Arrows, proper 90s wheel :) Good luck with the car though, I'm very new & of no use to you at all I'm afraid but I'm sure some worthwhile knowledge will wing it's way to you very soon, seems to be a clever bunch on here
  22. It's AMAZING how small it looks compared to my Meg... Like it's teeny German brother but I'm loving it!! Anyone wanna buy a 256BHP French Orange? :lol :2.8l 24v Climatronic system.pdf29122007217.jpg[/attachment:1go3uhjj] 29122007218.jpg[/attachment:1go3uhjj]
  23. Picked it up from Chris Nicholls Motors in Penzance, Used to belong to a guy on here called Jimbob1970 (I think that's right) Hats off to him he was really helpful and he didn't even own the car any more. Bags of history & some big money spent on it over the last couple of years
  24. Tim, just been looking through your thread & I'm loving those wheels. That's one of my 1st jobs on the car after counting what's left when the new house purchase has gone through
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