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Posts posted by yacobwood

  1. I have used the search!!


    Got an 8V Rado, and after spending several hours on the appearance, the bloody thing wont run! :mad2:


    Basically the car wont start unless my foot is on the accelerator, then the car runs with my foot on the pedal but as soon as i take my foot off, the revs drop and instantly stalls, no in between, just dies. Then once the engine has died there is a intermittent clicking noise coming from behind the engine, by the air intake and fuel rail.


    Any help at all will be helpful, otherwise its gonna have to sit on my drive till the garage can look at it, and i'll have to get the bus :sad:

  2. does anybody know where i can get insured on my 2.0 8v.

    best i have so far is 1k.

    tried chris knot and after bein led in circles for a while they wont insure me :(

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