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Posts posted by Harrier

  1. My christmas present to myself has come early this year as i had a text to say Recaros were ready after re-trim, so nipped down to Poole last night to collect them. I had Tim do them for me who also has done a lot of work for 'Rams'.I'm well pleased with them and hope to fit them at the weekend,Tim is a really nice guy & really enthusiastic about his work. Thanks to Rams for passing on his number.Will get some better pics up when the're fitted.

  2. The smoothed mirrors is something i have spoken to my bodyshop about & i'm tempted,i would also love the Audi handles but that looks a pricey bit of work ! Probably getting my existing handles colour coded though this winter.

  3. Timing chain & tensioner dont usually whine,I would be looking at alternator,water pump & power steering.An easy way determine if its one of those is to remove drive belt & run engine,if noise is gone then you know where to look.As for the ticking from head area could be a noisey hydraulic tappet,might settle down after a few more miles. Hope that helps

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