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Posts posted by Harrier

  1. nice pic.

    (you did park it there didn't you,and it's not a result

    of an underpant filling incident,lol)


    Ha yes,i did mean to park it there ! Actually drove around for an hour or so trying to find a good spot for a decent photo for this thread!! Took loads but this was the best by far


    ---------- Post added at 9:24 PM ---------- Previous post was at 9:23 PM ----------


    nice pic.

    (you did park it there didn't you,and it's not a result

    of an underpant filling incident,lol)


    Ha yes,i did mean to park it there ! Actually drove around for an hour or so trying to find a good spot for a decent photo for this thread!! Took loads but this was the best by far

  2. I fitted the cams recently & have got a re map booked this wednesday! so will be able to give you some figures then.As for petrol consumption i havnt noticed a big difference .Was 201bhp about 2yrs ago so hoping for 215-220.Hope im not dissapointed.Also fitted a BMC CDA as recommended by Vince.Gives a great noise!

  3. I went on the sunday as saw your car. Looked mint. It deserved to win. I got a few pictures of it il try to put them up soon, also who was driving on the strip? I got a good video of them smashing a cavalier can believe how fast that car was!


    Thanks for that though i didnt actually win my class,im not sure where i came because i was'nt there when they called my name,i was just about to drive through exit when Ben rang me & said i'd won something so whizzed back in to collect,well chuffed ! Waiting for the results to be posted somewhere to find out.

    Yes the rado on the strip was stonkingly quick,though it had some way to go to beat the 227mph dragster!!

  4. Just relaxing after a great weekend at Santa Pod,met with Captain Redeye & his brothers & crew.So much to see including a monster truck,dragsters,hot rods & quite a few very nice dubs.I was also lucky enough to win a trophy in show n shine + a cheque for £25! Thoroughly recommend the show for next year,its a great party! Think i might take a day or 2 to recover!

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