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Everything posted by CazzaVR

  1. Now on the bay: http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/231097024571?ssPageName=STRK:MESELX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1555.l2649
  2. Chrome Corrado Script, all fixing tabs present + a little minor wear around the edges (see pic): £12.50 + postage
  3. Hmmmm... dunno then :/ Miss November :lol:
  4. Put the key in the boot lock and turn it 90 degrees clockwise (I think!). Think the instructions are in the manual ;)
  5. Welcome back mate! :lol: I've just sold mine :lol:
  6. Apparently mine hasn't been remapped- if that's the case I'm mightily impressed with the acceleration, as you say, it really pushes you back into the seat 8)
  7. Hi Chris, it's a 225bhp BAM 8) They are really nice aren't they? I'm really enjoying it and totally impressed so far.
  8. Thanks chaps :salute: Yep, it's a rare colour. Lots around in normal silver, but haven't seen another like this 8) The weather has conspired against me today- will try to get the wheels on tomorrow, but it's looking rainy again :( Cleaned the throttle body though. Not too bad, considering it's almost certainly the first time it's been done, but definitely needed a clean.
  9. Jim, initial impressions are excellent! I love the interior (seats are fabulous!) and all the little extras such as puddle lights, heated door locks, airbags etc. Obviously doesn't look as good as a Rado, but looks good nevertheless. Feels much more solid than a Rado, and handles very well indeed. There is less steering feel than the Rado and it definitely feels a bit more mature, but not quite as fun. It's definitely quicker than the Rado- I'm not convinced it's standard. If it is, the performance is very impressive!
  10. Yeh, not too bad at all! Knew the first person to see would buy- maybe I could've got more for it, but didn't want it to hang around. No joy with yours, Jake?
  11. Nice mota ;) So pleased it's gone to Rog. I know she will be treasured. The radio is a little annoying- sorry forgot about that! I just learned to live with it. Pretty sure there is something in the paperwork about the stereo wiring being fixed (before my time).
  12. :lol: Don't think so this time mate... Picked up the S3 this morning. After checking the MOT history of the one I put the deposit on, I decided there were too many negatives. It had been on longlife servicing from day 1, and had a load of advisories with the last MOT, including badly corroded exhaust and rear springs. It had actually only passed 2 MOT's first time! Just had a bad feeling about it in the end... Have ended up with a lower milage (90K) 2002 model with a BAM engine, Bose pack, black Recaro's etc. Completely unmodified, although it's pretty quick so I suspect it has a remap. It's Avus Silver, which is a mega rare colour. Love it! Feels nice and solid and definitely quicker than the VR, although not quite as much fun. Will put my BBS RC's on it, then it's going for a very thorough service, followed by some tuning by Bill at Badger 5 8)
  13. Yep, loved that valver, but it was way too good to use as a daily, and ultimately I wanted a VR again. A valver just isn't the same! Oz, you should've given me a shout- would've been good to catch up over a beer. Well, Rog collected her last night. So pleased she's going to such a good home. I had quite a lump in my throat when he drove off, also didn't help when my 7 year old said an emotional goodbye. The boys absolutely loved her :(
  14. lol, beat me to it! Pretty sure it's the 80 you need.
  15. Now on Ebay :( http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=231077030173
  16. Really sorry to see that Dave :( Hope you get it sorted, whatever you choose to do. Personally, I'd keep it 12v. Worth looking at VEGE, as the price of a new engine from them may well be comparable with a bottom end rebuild.
  17. Thanks guys. All gone. Gus, afraid I don't have 3 headlight sets left for you, but I think I've got 5 clips so you're only 1 short. I'll only charge you for 2 sets. Will send out Payment details later today :)
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