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About D-Pete

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  • Birthday 09/17/1980


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  1. D-Pete

    vr6 rear beam

    Corrado VR6 used the VW A3 platform rear axle assembly so a MK3 Golf or Jetta beam will fit. If you need, and you can collect from Gloucester, I've got one behind the shed you can have for nowt.
  2. I had a 182 Cup after my last Corrado, was an ok car but I have now bought another VR6 which says it all really. The 182 has similar speed and acceleration to the VR6 but needs to be revved to make the most of it. The handling is also similar but the Clio has sharper turn in whilst the 'Rado is more planted and stable at speed. Build quality was awful on my Clio and it cost more to maintain my 45k mile example than my 160k Corrado. That's my brief unsolicited, unbiased comparison. :-)
  3. In Practical Classics Mag price guide Corrado VR6s have gone from £2000 to £3500 for a "condition 2" car in 3 years. Condition 1 cars are now listed at £5k IIRC.
  4. My old vr6 had a similar problem, dirty MAF sensor. Try unplugging the MAF and see if it feels better, if so MAF is dirty so give it a clean with electrical contact cleaner/brake cleaner/carb cleaner/nail polish remover or whatever you feel most comfortable using.
  5. Do it! Then shoot yourself....... before someone else does.
  6. I have the 16" x 6.5" of a golf, grey centres look good with Blackberry. Steve Storm is right tho' they are very heavy.
  7. D-Pete


    Black smoke is usually unburnt fuel. spark plugs fouled or HT leads on the way out perhaps? Injectors stuck open leading to over fuelling?
  8. No point bleeding, I'll just change the slave and see if thats the fix. Big thanks Supercharged, that's cleared up enough to give me a plan of attack. :salute:
  9. Thanks. Changed the hydraulic fluid about 18 months ago, what should the interval between changes be? I think I need to invest in a Bentley manual. Would you suggest I remove both to have a good look or is there any other way to diagnose which is at fault?
  10. Yeah, McLaren SLR crossed with Union Pacific locomotive and a not so subtle hint of snow plough. I just don't understand. He thinks he made it look better?
  11. Glad it's sorted. How did you tell it was the slave? I'm having clutch issues (soggy pedal, not returning properly) but don't know how to tell if it's master or slave cylinder (no leaks) or something else entirely. Any advice? Cheers.
  12. Not French and not a chav but definately confused! Feel like I'm in one of those kiddies little red and yellow play cars when I drive the Clio.
  13. A man came round yesterday to pick up a a fireplace my missis sold on ebay. He was looking across at the cars and I thought he was going to say something admirable about the C which is shiner than it's been for a long while but instead he said someting like "Isn't that one of those sport clio's, supposed to be well fast." Talking about the missis's car! I was dumbstruck, and furious. Maybe I'm being elitist but people who don't know about cars should not talk about cars!
  14. Alfa SZ - Designed by passionate italians with bold styling ideas, BMW concept - Designed by 5 year old with thick felt tips and ADHD.
  15. Isn't that one of the cars out of Jayce and the Wheeled Warriors?
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