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Posts posted by robrado974

  1. this is so annoyin i had same problem .....guess you got them from venum?,i was told sometimes they come from factory without bein set up ,bleedin elpfull isnt it :( you pay so much more for em than left handers ,as far as i know there is a screw in the back which when turned ,will turn the bulb round the other way [the way they shud be n what you pay extra for!]i will check this with the geezer who does bits to me rado n get back to you asap,also mine came without adjusters so i had to take em out of origanal lights n fit to impros :roll: hope this is helpfull bud ,rob

  2. sweeeet bud mine is same colour n now off the road for full respray its nice to see what its goin to look like when finished :D havent sin many in this colour and yours has impros which i bought for mine n didnt like ,but yours looks sound ,is it me? :cuckoo: im goin for chris claes 16v look for mine

  3. didnt want to do this but am :censored: :censored: off.i bought a early grill from tyler and payment was recieved on the 2nd of october.i was goin on holiday so asked him to send to the old dears drum, got back to nothin, so sent pm got one back on the 13th n he said had loads to post n forgot mine.fair enough i thought we all make mistakes he said would post asap .on the 21st i sent another pm because i still had not got it,he sent pm back sayin he had bin away n the misses should have posted it n would check with her when she got home.since then ive sent pm,s n got no reply ,surely even if your mega busy you would still think to urself ive got to sort that out because the geezers paid for it :( mimjed bought a grille from me long after i payed for mine he recieved it within days of makin payment even tho postie strike was on ,far as im concernd no excuces .

  4. would realy value opinions. as said in other topic me vr is now of the road n in bits for respray ,engine n bay clean yada yada. i know the decision rests with me but i keep thinkin do i take the car back to how it was in 92? .would still keep it lowered but might put original grill back on and lights [instead of angeleyes].will be colour codin door handles n black surround that number plate sits on also takin off door strips .i am a fan of subtle mods .when i was at dubs at the beach [devon] chris who i know is on this forum brought his original vr ,it looked sweeeeet 8) so come on peeps opinions please :salute:

  5. as i said my beasty comes off the road this sunday.so bein the last thusday of the month its our local meet :clap: .met at local place before meet n me fans on id only done two miles! quick hose check top hot bottom cold it was decided themo was stuck or knackerd or blockage in rad :( what a bummer i dont tend to push her to hard but trip to meet has nice bit of duel carridge way so we always tend to give it the beans i had to stick to 60 :( not exactly what i had in mind for me last drive for a long time

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