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Posts posted by karmannski

  1. Well that was me! Don't see many about in my part of the world. Apologies if you waved as I didn't see you


    Nice one. Your Corrado waked me up straight away, I was like, ... another boring jurney to work...and then corrado. My blood pressure went up immediatly...I could not keep up up with u in my 1.2 3cylinders Polo.

    I need to finish of my storm, so maybe one day you will see it on A11/47.

  2. Thanks for the welcome guys! Karmannski, I'm just outside Ipswich, where are you based?


    From Lowestoft, I'm going to bring my ride back in the summer, same as yours moon light blue VR6 with gray leather interior so we can link one day...

  3. clumpy1 "One of our own to be proud of" ??? What's that suppose to mean? These items are listed on Ebay web not here and it is down to me to set the price and down to the buyers to buy or negotiate the price?

    These items are listed internationally so they shows on the other Ebays to and the prices in different countries may very. Any way I do not need to justify my self my Ebay feedback does.

    But thanks any way for your attempt to ruin my reputation here.


    Dear Dear


    Happy New Year to you

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