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Posts posted by karmannski

  1. Hi guys just to let you all know that mk3 version of the sample in full size this time will be relised in 3 weeks time.

    I have made some additional changes that I hope all of you will like.


    The matrix was modified so the top texture will look excacly same as original with means that the side edge will have same texture.

    It costed me extra few hundred bucks but I thought that the OEM look is what some people are expecting.

    Hope that it will go well.

  2. I'm now thinking about ordering just the trims without the side clips and I will try to get somebody here in Europe to make the clips for me or just wait until they will get done. But in a mean time the old clips can be used to go on the new trim. they are glued to the trim, all you need to do is to heat up your oven to 200C then turn it off put two ends of the trim in (one by one) for 5 min, then take it out clean it spray in with an new texture and fit in to the new molding.

    The end bit is easy it just the front bit need a bit of trimming/cutting.


    And once I will get decent quality clips made by China or Europe I will let you all know.


    But I think that this is a reasonable alternative at the moment.


    What I'm also going to do now is to redesign the core to get the trim look like the original one. I mean the trim I got is silk, so I want it to look like the genuine one with that type of texture that is visible on the side edge of the trim. Hope you will all like it.


    Thank you.

  3. Fitcy yes I really do want get this done as quick as possible. I have started this project not ) months ago but over 12.

    I'm rushing the factory to compete the clips and they now get back to me that they are more complicated than they thought and need extra 20days from now. I have contacted them today to check the progress and waiting for them to get back to me. I'm sorry that I have stopped you maybe i should not and we would enjoy new batch by now, who knows. I got the founds to pay for them so that isn't a issue. Time is the problem, it took me over 3 months to find the right people who will do them right. But any way like I said I'm waiting for the factory to get back to me with in next 48h.

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