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Posts posted by JEZR

  1. As a bit of a clean freak, when I took out the original air box there was 100ks worth of dirt. So, before putting in the new box, I did some cleaning to find a "made in Mexico" stamp. 136fced799ea5cd81b0cb88ee88898af.jpg

    I had no idea that they used panels pressed in Mexico! Was this common?

    I also found what I think is a tab with a barcode and the paint name and code. Any idea what the rest of it is?


  2. So, one day to go!

    Looks like the weather might not be so great, but hey! It's England and summer - so I'm still going!


    8.45 - 9 meet at the White Hart pub in Cadnam SO40 2NP - probably best not to park in their car park at that time after their Saturday night, so as near as we can get without being annoying!

    Jay - do you want to meet at the lay-by on the Ringwood turnoff just by the road to Salisbury at 8.40?

    I'll PM my number. Everyone welcome. The more the merrier!



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