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VR6 South

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Posts posted by VR6 South

  1. A bit of an update on the Golf (Corrado still in the garage under wraps)I had a few bodywork niggles which I just had to get sorted. It was nothing major just bits such as bird sh!t etching on the roof which annoyed me each time I cleaned it. Also took the opportunity to have a new windscreen fitted although they are now obsolete from VW!!!


    I'll let the pics do the talking.....










  2. They do look extremely good mate! I remember when I first met you and you told me about your Corrado and your user name. I spent ages looking for a build thread, no wonder! Two and a half years since last updated!!!!:nono:


    Are you going to National day, or any other events in it in the near future?


    Sorry Sean - just seen your reply. I could not make National Day for a number of reasons, including the fact that the MOT has run out on the Corrado and I already have had to put three cars through thier MOT's this month as well as taxing and insuring the Golf.


    Yes I have been tardy with updating my thread - bollocking accepted :)


    Even got a ribbing from the MOT tester who observed that I have covered less than 1000 miles in the Golf over the past 4 years.

  3. What a load of waffle sorry mate there will alway's be people interested in Non Standard Example's. I suspect by your comment's your's is oem am I correct?

    Is that why many good modded cars end up being broken as the sum of their parts is worth more than the car itself?

  4. Well they arent going any lower thats for sure and if you look on the likes of Pistonheads there is a lot less for sale. Supply will go down so naturally prices should remain as they are if not improve slightly I would have thought.


    It will always end up being determined by supply (getting more limited) and demand (not sure what the demand is at present). One thing I have leant over my many years of VAG ownership is that original non modified examples always get the most interest when it comes to selling.

  5. The good ones will always command a better price, whether or not they sell is a different matter and there is also a lot of cr@p out there. I would imagine that prices will eventually increase much as they have done for MK1 and MK2 Golf GTI's. I find it hard to come to terms that my Mk2 Golf is worth 40 - 60% more than my Corrado.


    The Corrado gets to live in the garage though.

  6. Thats quite a way away! Although for people to travel that far, its obviously a testament to their work! Price is VERY good as well tbf, and your right for what I'd pay for materials etc, a proper job by the pros isn't a million miles away.

    I'll look into it again in a few months, but once the oil pump etc are sorted, I'm gonna concentrate on the interior over the leave period. Can you recommend any re-trimmers locally(ish) that could re-trim my bolster, steering wheel, and gear gaitor?

    I'll look into wheels again nearer to Xmas, and I'll have a gander at your VRS to confirm to myself its worth travelling for! :thumbleft:

    Not too sure about trimmers in the area, especially one good enough to trim a steering wheel. No worries about the wheels the drive is worth it and it works out cheaper than using local companies even taking fuel costs into account. There are some pics of their work on my thread. http://the-corrado.net/showthread.php?t=37518&page=4&highlight=Vr6+south+history

  7. Great work Sean. You are coping with the result of many bodge jobs really well. Give me a shout if you plan on getting your wheels done in the near future as I am planning a trip to BJV to get my Fabia wheels done over the summer leave period.

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