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Everything posted by tentonhammer

  1. Could somebody confirm the location of throttle body switch / position sensor? See pics below: [ATTACH=CONFIG]67913[/ATTACH] [ATTACH=CONFIG]67917[/ATTACH] Sensor looks knackered and want to get it replaced. Cheers, Ten Ton Corrado 92 16V 2.0
  2. Agree with delfinis38 - If you're going to do it, I'd do it on a spare bumper. Keep your electrics / excess wiring clean and tidy too - You want to be able to bring it back to stock if required.
  3. Smooth it. Sh*t they look way better with a nice tidy bumper – Too many lights otherwise IMO Previous owner got mine done, might have a receipt kicking around somewhere will see if I can find it.
  4. Does anybody have fuse and relay position diagrams for a C 92 16V 2.0? I had them a while back but can't seem to find mine anywhere! Cheers, Ten Ton
  5. My C 92 16V 2.0 is doing the same thing pretty much, except it idles like a panting dog aswel ;P ---------- Post added at 9:24 AM ---------- Previous post was at 9:04 AM ---------- Hipcity - Check / clean all your connectors as well. Mine did this a while back, turns out a wire broke away from the ISV connector block (Seanl8 is right on the money for ISV's location). A simple but solid re-solder with heat shrink to cover sorted the problem.
  6. A couple of things… My C 16V 2.0 is idling / pulsing from 1000 – 1200 RPM causing the car to lurch when coming to a stop. I’m forced to depress the clutch to 2/3’s of the way every time I’m crawling to a stop or am stopped (depressing the clutch slightly stops the irritating pulsing RPM’s allowing idle to sit still as normal). FYI it doesn’t do it from start-up / cold, only does it when engine gets hot. All hoses / seals look tight, from what I can see. ISV has been completely removed and thoroughly cleaned, still no joy?? My hunch is the LAMBDA sensor, possibly another sensor maybe, dirty connectors even. Anyone experienced this before or have any idea how to sort this out? It's driving me nuts Also, On the same day it started idling / pulsing funny my speedo stopped working as well! Rest of the cluster works fine, just the speedo has gone faulty. Not sure whether the two problems are linked or not (I doubt it but worth mentioning) – Is this a common problem? Any help would be great. Cheers guys, Ten Ton
  7. Damn... Who says chavs don't buy Corrado's?? Thank f*ck he's selling it, that C needs to be set free
  8. Previous owner had put an over sized washer on the fuel line (part connecting fuel line to engine) allowing fuel to discretely weep out between the incorrect washer and fuel line, cabin smelt of fuel for weeks! I love the smell of petrol but not in my motor eh. Bought the correct size washer (should fit like a glove) and it sorted the problem immediately. You might want to check this - Just because you see a washer doesn't mean it's the correct size... as I found out! ---------- Post added at 8:18 AM ---------- Previous post was at 8:16 AM ---------- Wise words
  9. Funny really because I was adamant that no European car, in terms of looks, engine growl, power and just sheer attitude could ever live up to the bad ass, straight up prowess of American muscle cars. I looked for months and found that nothing came even remotely close to what I was after in terms of look and spec, it needed to fit my personality AND pocket, I also wanted something that was pretty rare which made the search even harder. I knew for certain that I definitely didn’t want a dull as f*ck modern car that’s for sure, despite the fact I knew it made sense economically - I drive motorbikes and love American muscle cars for Christ sake, so needed something that reflected that! It was by chance really I stumbled across a C in my local area and although it was stock and beat up looking, I saw potential in it. Potential that no other European car for the money could offer… Took me a few months to find a clean one, plus a few more to return some bits back to stock and get the car to a standard of that of a newish sports car / make some adaptations etc – But I did it. I found a European car that somehow manages to be a wild sexy beast, has the stance of raging bull, sounds like a V8, and has the power and handling of a modern sports car without busting a hole in my pocket. Ten Ton
  10. Been filling her up with anti freeze over the winter / spring. She drinks engine oil too come to think of it - oil gets topped up every 3-4 weeks, standard. I've always done this to keep the car running smooth. Corrado 2.0 16V Manual
  11. I have to fill up the coolant tank every 3-4 weeks or it'll run dry and warning light on dash comes on etc. Getting on my f*cking nerves No evident leaks, no spillage on the floor, seals look good, rad looks good, coolant tank / tank gasket looks good. Every time I look for any leaks there either isn't any or if there is it's probably evaporated. I'm thinking it could be the cylinder head gasket - Anyone got any ideas? Cheers, Ten Ton
  12. Think I'm starting to agree with you! Although, I have to be honest - I'm not a fan of the stock height on Corrado's at all. Mines on coilovers an inch or two lower than stock (car isn't slammed in any way) and man the improvement you get on cornering is amazing. Can handle non-stretched tyres, my stretches were on the car when I bought her ---------- Post added at 9:08 AM ---------- Previous post was at 9:03 AM ---------- Totally agree. Glad they didn't tho eh. Clearly their allegations were not deemed serious enough to warrant any follow through ---------- Post added at 9:17 AM ---------- Previous post was at 9:08 AM ---------- Craig - Funny actually because I said this. Even the old bill admitted my car was in great shape and that I clearly looked after it! Think it helps to know a thing or two about cars too, I knew more than they did anyway which put me in a very strong position. ---------- Post added at 9:33 AM ---------- Previous post was at 9:17 AM ---------- Portent - Exactly. They could only check if I was insured so when they discovered I actually was - They tried to find as many mods as they could (which is hardly any) and then threatened to call my insurer to make sure I had declared them all. If they discovered I had not declared all mods on the car they wanted to do me then and there for driving with "invalid" insurance. Since when do the Police work for insurance companies?
  13. They wanted to charge me for 2 offenses equaling in 6 points on my license and a fine... Thank god they didn't. Got a verbal in the end. For 6mm of wheel protrusion (alloy not tyre as these have been mildly stretched on by the looks of it by previous owner) deeming the car to be "dangerous and unsafe" and a direct replacement stainless steel exhaust that wasn't declared as a modification on my insurance - The whole thing was ridiculous, I knew it and they knew it. Could literally see my license being torn up in my head though, what a horrible feeling ---------- Post added at 3:36 PM ---------- Previous post was at 3:34 PM ---------- Passed it's MOT no problem. The car's in bloody good nick, even the garage said so! ---------- Post added at 3:40 PM ---------- Previous post was at 3:36 PM ---------- Agreed. Never thought it would be an issue before seeing as it sailed through it's MOT(s)
  14. I got stopped by the Police whilst stuck in traffic this morning so they could perform a vehicle check that lasted over half an hour! They gave it the whole good cop bad cop boll*cks as usual and admitted there was nothing wrong with my driving and that it wasn't a drugs stop, just routine yadda yadda They measured the size of my number plate and size of number plate lettering etc front and rear - All legal. Slight issue with the front plate as it is located just under the bumper (front bumper smoothed off), it's clearly visible and is within the letters of the law, it just wasn't for the copper when he was standing 2 feet in front of the car, idiot. Measured ride height - Legal. Measured tyre wall height width and tread depth - legal, although I have a slow puncture on one front tyre which may be causing uneven tread wear. It seems to rub for some reason as well when turned fully outwards which I believe to be adding to the problem. The other side is fine though which is abit strange. They checked my exhaust which I believe to be a stainless steel direct replacement of the original I think (installed by previous owner) - Legal. Although they said they will be informing my insurance company of the modification which will push my insurance premium up. How the blo*dy hell is anybody meant to know what's stock and what isn't if it looks IDENTICAL? I don't think you can even buy the original exhausts anymore? They then went on to say that they were going to charge me with driving without valid insurance as a result ptentially adding 3 points onto my license... Luckily they came to their senses. Then, they wanted to do me for my rear wheels. Apparently my alloys were protruding out of the rear wheel arches by 6mm on each side. Yes you heard me - 6 f*cking mm!??! Said that they could do me for driving a dangerous and unsafe vehicle (endorsable) and that my rear alloys could take sombody’s shins off. I thought this a tad excessive eh... Funny really because bad cop stood with his shins up against the rear wheels trying to show me how potentially dangerous it is - I pointed out that his shins would be the last of his worries as I pointed at his feet under the damn car! I calmly asked them what the law was about wheels and wheel arch protrusion only for them to say if the wheels protrude from the wheel arches in any way it is illegal - Full stop. Really? While I agree that most cars these days have wheels within the wheel arch (with no wheel protrusion etc) what about older muscle cars, pickups, 4x4's, tractors, quad bikes etc? They too, not all, use the roads and have wheels that protrude away and out of the main body of the vehicle. Are you telling me the police are going to pull these vehicles over too and charge them with driving a dangerous and unsafe vehicle??? F*ck off no way. I asked the old bill and they couldn't give me an answer, only to repeat what they had originally said. I don’t buy it. Is there a law that states wheels should not protrude from a wheel arch in ANY way or if so what is required by law etc? Definately a first for me... … 6mm for Christ's sake! Ten Ton
  15. Anyone know if you can fit Touran / Caddy steering wheels to a Corrado? If somebody could confirm the basic requirements to fitting replacement steering wheels that would also be great. As far as I'm aware, the steering wheel would need to be sized correctly to the spline on the car and / or a boss kit may be required to mount it. Cheers,
  16. Swiftkid - You were spot on. Muck on sensor and low water. Sensor terminals wire brushed / cleaned. Coolant topped up. Tested. All ok. Coolant light on dash is now out. Dip in power is now gone - we're back in business! Cheers guys, Ten Ton
  17. Team, The coolant light is permenantly 'on' on my dash. Pretty sure either a sensor's gone or the coolant head sensor is mucky / needs cleaning. Also noticed a slight dip in power as well could be related. Where would I find the Coolant temperature sensor? I presume next to 16V head, if somebody could confirm asap that would be great. Want to try and sort on my lunch break. Cheers, Ten Ton 2.0 16V '92 Corrado
  18. Last thing you want is a fire you can't put out - I hope I never have to use my extinguisher. Will check live feed. Thanks Stone,
  19. Thanks Nathan, appreciate it.
  20. Wouldn't mind removing driver & passenger side arm+blades entirely and replacing with new. Exploring new TT option (aerotype), will consider others brands. Anyone know correct part numbers or suppliers? Cheers, Ten Ton
  21. Abdul - Just realised that! Had replied to an old comment on this thread on your previous C. Ride height on this one looks spot on
  22. From Punk Rock to Poetry... What happened here? lol
  23. Much of muchness if you ask me - If your stuck in traffic and you're start stopping all the time, you're burning more fuel as opposed to cruising along an open road. If your're that concerned about fuel efficiency, then drive fuel efficiently.
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