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Posts posted by zak

  1. with 301's i would not run wider than a 1" lip on the back. I run 1.5" lips on the back of my rs199's which have a 6mm higher offset than 301's and its verging on too much poke. But it all depends what you like, i prefer my wheels to sit within the arch.

  2. Ive had them on since last autumn, they will be coming off next week. Just need to change a track rod, steering column and get the car re tracked with the rs's back on. The wheels are merc fitment 8x17 et35 with a 5mm spacer on the front and 9x17 et32 straight on the rear with no camber :)

  3. short plates look great they don't need to have any significance. Age hiding plates are the most expensive you can pick up bargains on ebay but your looking at 2k for a 4 digit plate. 5 digit age hiding plates can be had for 1k on ebay if ou keep your eye out. Cheapest way to get a 5 digit plate is to get prefix style ie A1 ABC which can be had from £150 on ebay inc transfer fee and £250 from the DVLA.


    If i was planning to keep hold of my car for much longer i defo would have a had a 4 or 5 digit plate by now 8)

  4. As Hasan says start with basics and check for a spark and fuel. You can check if its a fuel issue by pulling out an injector, bridging the fuel pump relay and lifting the flap on the fuel distributor.

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