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Chris VR6nos

It's True! Cats Eye Cameras

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to slightly change the subject;


ever wondered why the new tax disks have a bar code on the front??


i know of one camera that picks up tax disks, looking for out of date ones but also it can pick up what car it is, so you can change the plates but the tax disk still gets you. The camera is at the start of a long 2ish mile bridge and if the police are wanting to stop a car the idea is that they should be able to get to the other end of the bridge and block it off before th car gets there, why you may ask?? Well Prince William is just 20 mins away at university in St Andrews.


I only found this out from a freind who works on the bridge in the security and safety side of it


Your all forgetting something - as stated in the post it involves national security, so they will have the most advanced technology available. It wouldn't be a problem scanning barcodes. In the 70's the US had spy satellites that could read resolve number plates from 160 miles in space.

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why can I see some of the big tub of black paint I have in my garage being used up whenever I see any of these? :D :twisted:


Cameras are all well and good, but a little paint doesn't half stop 'em working! ;) :lol:


sounds like the way forward!



My local burn has just had SPECS installed. I aint got a long enough pole to reach :lol:

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why can I see some of the big tub of black paint I have in my garage being used up whenever I see any of these? :D :twisted:


Cameras are all well and good, but a little paint doesn't half stop 'em working! ;) :lol:


sounds like the way forward!



My local burn has just had SPECS installed. I aint got a long enough pole to reach :lol:


paint ball gun :idea: 8)

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There is a reasonably interesting article on speed cameras in this month's VWM magazine, as well an interesting (if somewhat flawed) buyers guide to the Corrado :D



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There is a reasonably interesting article on speed cameras in this month's VWM magazine, as well an interesting (if somewhat flawed) buyers guide to the Corrado :D




i'm in that mag to, made me sounds like a right tit though, me snubbing the Jetta was the guys who were watching the shoot that said that and i was told it was going to be edited out of the final draft anyway, not a happy bunny. still don't think my car is anywhere near ready for a feature but hey i was there at the right time and in the right place, they were shooting another guys car that i knew and he mentioned i had a vr6 vento and there eyes lit up as they had never heard of one before. guess i was lucky to be there at the right time. it was done in may last year and alot has changed since then

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why can I see some of the big tub of black paint I have in my garage being used up whenever I see any of these? :D :twisted:


Cameras are all well and good, but a little paint doesn't half stop 'em working! ;) :lol:


sounds like the way forward!



My local burn has just had SPECS installed. I aint got a long enough pole to reach :lol:


It's Called a .22 Rifle :)

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Im fed up of all this stuff as much as you. This might catch people out who speed (if Dr Mat is wrong – which we doubt), as most people know the locations of those big yellow boxes and slow down for them, I see it every day. Personally I don’t know of many cameras near me, I avoid the A45 and M42; however there is one road that has cameras on the way to work and I have no idea why they are there – it used to be 70 and now a 50, for what reason I don’t know.


I agree with JIM , we are getting ripped off here and its not catching the tax/mot/insurance dodging scum. And what about all this malarkey about £1,800/year road tax and lower national speed limit? It’s a joke and about time to leave this place; only this week I heard our local council tax is due to go up 5% to cover to cost of immigrants in the area alone.


I’d give up on cars and bikes soon anyhow, with this idea of tagging cars and checking speed 24/7 via satellite.



so you can change the plates but the tax disk still gets you.
The sort of thieving toe-rags that drive on stolen plates might just be clever enough to cover up that barcode or do away with the disc; better still come up with a different barcode. Wheres there a criminal, theres a way!

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did someone say BARCODES? ;)


The key is going to be adding in lots of tiny IR LEDs into your numberplates/ hi-power downwards pointing IR LEDs into the bumpers so that electronic cameras/catseye cameras can't see your numberplates/car... Not illegal (had a solicitor look into this!), not dodgy, not expensive, and will stop any camera with a CCD in it from seeing your numberplates/car...


Gatsos will still get you, but Roadangels are cheap! ;) :lol:

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cant be long before they pick up on RFID technologies rather than digital imaging which can be 'bypassed' in various ways. the only way you're going to block an RFID signal with with a radio jammer (AFAIK anyway?) and they can be 'pinged' to judge distance... not sure the technology is quite there yet but its a bit more foolproof than taking a snapshot.

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RFID blocking? Easy! Get a sparkplug, hook up a dizzy with no supressor to it, link the two to power and an electric motor to spin the dizzy quickly and... Voila! No radio reception in a 20 to 30 yard range therefore the RFID won't work... ;)

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...and the bad side of that is?????


Suppose it'd cause me all sorts of phonecalls from listeners being the senior engineer for the northern arm of a radio group, but, hey, if I'm not gonna get caught speeding, it's a small price to pay! ;) :lol:

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cant be long before they pick up on RFID technologies rather than digital imaging which can be 'bypassed' in various ways. the only way you're going to block an RFID signal with with a radio jammer (AFAIK anyway?) and they can be 'pinged' to judge distance... not sure the technology is quite there yet but its a bit more foolproof than taking a snapshot.


Transport for London are trialling RFID for the western extension of the Congestion Charge zone. They got the go-ahead from the government for trials last year.


http://www.theregister.co.uk/2005/04/21 ... ing_plans/

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haha that sucks, they've been using stuff like that in larger cities in the states here but they don't hide them they use it as a preventative deal... the theory is that if people know they are being watched they won't commit crimes or drive aggresive...


you guys have camaras on traffic lights over there?

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On some we do, yeah.


I watch "World's wildest Police videos" on Sky occasionally and I can see why you guys have them :-)

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