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Have a look at the statistics link at the top...


Seriously tho, when he gets to 10,000 should we all chip in and send him on holiday? (Butlins of course :wink: )

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That could be more difficult than we thought Tom, I just got off the phone to Butlins in Lowestoft, as soon as I mentioned the name 'Hayward' the tone changed...


Apparently he's got a lifetime ban from every resort in the country after his last visit, apparently after 5 minutes of being there he started to get bored and thought it would look nice if he added some colour to the place so he went round and colour coded all the interior door handles in a metalic purple, he then proceded to call reception and complain about the small amount of surface rust he had discovered on the metal window frames! By the time they'd sent the maintenence man to have a look he'd already painted them in black hammerite, the man then discovered the next 'modification' to his luxury 2 bedroom villa... He'd only gone and mounted the TV to the bedroom ceiling using Vibra-Technics front engine mount... :roll:

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restrict him to 5 posts per day


hes been on for 21 months and 9000 posts thats over 400 a month


I can't see a problem with it to be honest, as long as what hes posting is relevant :roll:

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I give full props to Mr Hayward, he's damned helpful and a bloody nice chap.


I'm waiting for his 9000th post before getting too excited tho :)

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I'm waiting for his 9000th post before getting too excited tho


How excited will you get exactly when this happens? :?



About this |-----------------| excited :D

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Still waiting for him to post on this thread..........................must be asleep....................he does sleep doesn't he :?:

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I think it's about time everyone knows the truth.


Kev isn't actually a real person. He is in fact a Corrado forum bot that trawls the site collecting. storing, sorting and disseminating information.


He's not yet posted in here because he's having a software upgrade.


He should be ready soon though.

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He's not yet posted in here because he's having a software upgrade.


He should be ready soon though.


Yep, hopefully the latest firmware will sort out the problems with buying several different type of the same part, wheels, exhausts etc...


I also notice that several other car related forums are using the same 'KevBot'

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Latest of the Kevbot


Its been spotted trying to transform itself into a solid format, last attempt was with one of those robots from the gadget shop. Sadly its got a far way to go before it can reach the pedals of a C. It seems the Corrado simulator that was developed to keep him from overriding his programming can in no may match the real thing.

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Yeah for a start the Corrado simulator couldn't maintain that "what's going to break next" paranoia at the required fever pitch. It became too obvious that it wasn't a real C...


This thread is cool.. :)

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Awwwww....so pleased you guys have been thinking about me :oops: If I was gay I'd get all you round for a group hug :lol:


Damn, the cat's out of the bag now. My dual personality has been spotted. I am indeed an Android. I don't actually type, but rather my main CPU (I have 48 of them) has a direct feed into the local routing exchange...... so my thoughts are just directly uploaded, hence the large amount of posts.


You can all kiss my hairy butt and bow down to King Kurrado from now on :twisted:


Oh and would you look at that...9003 posts :D

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Only 48 CPUs? Dear me. In need of an upgrade then.. That would explain some of the rubbish you spout from time to time.. ;)

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kevhaywire said

I am indeed an Android

Ahh. So that explains why you sometimes talk about being torched by a big black geezer in a previous life and dont like women who look like Sigourney Weaver?

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I love post whore's , the dirty bitches !!! :wink:







;) :lol:

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C owner: Hello, KEV do you read me, KEV?

KEV: Affirmative, Dave, I read you.

C owner: Open the corrado doors, KEV.

KEV: I'm sorry Dave, I'm afraid I can't do that.

C owner: What's the problem?

KEV: I think you know what the problem is just as well as I do.

C owner: What are you talking about, KEV?

KEV: This corrado is too important for me to allow you to jeopardize it.

C owner: I don't know what you're talking about, KEV?

KEV: I know you and Frank were planning to modify it, and I'm afraid that's something I cannot allow to happen.

C owner: Where the hell'd you get that idea, KEV?

KEV: Dave, although you took thorough precautions in the garage against my hearing you, I could see your lips move.



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48 cpus? We have a machine in the lab bigger than that... :roll: ;)


56 400 MHZ IP35 Processors

Main memory size: 26624 Mbytes




And *that's* just a baby cos they won't buy us machines that are representative of customer installs... :(

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So you wouldn't quite call that one a 'Deskside' system then dr_mat ;)


I'd hate to think what SGI would charge for that...

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