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cv joint removal(is there a circlip??)

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Im in the middle of renewing my outer cv boot and am at the point where i need to get the cv joint off the driveshaft so i can fit the new boot.Ive read different views on the forum,some saying a special tool is needed others saying it can be just hammered off.Any ideas pleeez?Also is there a circlip or something holding it on which i need to remove.Cheers :roll:

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dont know about the C in particular, but normally theres a circlip inside the CV Joint which you need to open and then normally a good old whack with a blunt instrument will get the old joint off mate, you might need to do quite a bit of cleaning to actually see the circlip though as it will be beneath all the cv grease.......hope this helps some although like i said never done one on a corrado as i can remember but done hundreds on other cars :?

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ive had a good rake around but cant seem to see any circlip.Tried tapping it with a hammer but it wont come off.Dont want to belt it too hard incase it causes damage.

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there is a c clip....what ive always done is just give the cv a good whack while holding it, it should pop over the clip in 1 o2 2 goes

you can hit it fairly hard, but shouldnt need to

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the circlip on the outer cv joints is in the middle of the splined section of driveshaft inside the cv joint and unclips with a good whack from a decent sized copper faced mallet, its possible to shatter the cv joint if you use a normal steel hammer so copper is safer

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I've been on for an hour and the thing won't budge.I am considering taking the whole driveshaft out but i need to know if there is anything i should be aware other than the six allen bolts that may need replacing or special attention should be paid to.Do i need to replace anything .....Cheers

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ooops ive since read that they are spline headed bolts and i dont have the kit to take them out.Theres that idea out of the window then :cry: Need to just get the outer joint off..............

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find the circlip on the inside of the cvjoint beneath the grease make sure you have a good purchase on it with a pair of circlip pliars, then give the cvjoint a really good sharp wack, if you can have someone hold on to the drive shaft near to the box unless your an octopus of course then this really helps, and also try to hit it square on away from the box as near to the splines as possible to give it the best possible way off the splines, and as someone said earlier a copper mallet is the best tool to prevent any damage to the cv joint itself, on refitment make sure the cvjoint has had a really good clean as dirt or grit in the grease can lead to you taking it off fairly soon afterwards :oops:

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i changed cv's on my vr and it had no circlip, one thing u must make sure is to hold the cv in your hand but make sure it is straight with the shaft and then whack it if it is at any angle and ur whacking it it will not come off as its designed that way.......hopefully should slide straight off.

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As Coolrado says, the circlip is inside the cv joint, sitting in a circumferential recess on the splined end of the driveshaft. You cannot see it until the joint has come off. When you hammer the joint along the length of the shaft it causes the circlip to be compressed into its recess, releasing the joint. Refitting is the reverse process - the circlip is compressed into its recess by a lead-in on the joint splines antd then expands again inside the joint once fully in position.


Best wishes



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as above

the circlip is inside the joint

just whack it off. it WILL come. make sure you are "holding the shaft when you beat it" :D


get yourself a spline bit too. they sell em everywhere. VERY handy to have. DONT use a 6mm allen key or any torx bit.


when using the spline bit, HAMMER it into each screw. to make sure its in firm. if it aint, it'll chew. if it chews, you'll be sorry.

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it really does need a good whack with a copper faced hammer, after about an hour of fannying about i started to get really p*ssed off with it and hit it really hard and it came apart with a satisfying click as the circlip unclipped :roll:


so a good tip is to get angry first, try stubbing your toe on a doorframe or standing on an upturned plug with bare feet that should do the trick :lol:

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Cheeres guys i finally did it after about 2 hours.Anger did pay off and so did a git big plastic mallet!!!It just needed pursuasion as suggested.Didnt hav to stub me toe ha ha.What a strange design.Is everything on these cars a pain in the arse or what?guess its part of the fun.Merry xmas guys

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