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The Corrado Club UK...

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What's going on with this it has been down for ages now? Anyone have any ideas when this will be back? Maybe CF should consider a CCGB buyout/merger that way Sprinter gets loads of stories that they've always alsked for etc etc. Anybody know when it will be back?

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Since joining the club, I've not even had a copy of the magazine yet!


I had that too, worth contacting them to get them to send it out. Mine was sent out but I received an empty envelope. Got it now.

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Since joining the club, I've not even had a copy of the magazine yet!


Did you not even get a copy sent out when you got your membership card??


Mine was sent out but I received an empty envelope. Got it now.


LOL, Thats sounds like the good old royal mail to me, I doubt Jeremy would send an empty envelope! - The amount of stuff I've had go missing in the post this year is unreal, I've noticed that Amazon are now using Business Post, I wonder how much revenue the RM will miss after loosing a customer like that!

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Anyone know how I can join up to the Corrado Club?


Need to do it quick too as the insurance company 'assummed' I was a member and are asking for a hefty increase to my premium if I can't show proof of membership in next couple of weeks :twisted: .

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Good question. The site is down and therefore trying to download a membership form to sign up is going to be a problem.


Not only that but the 'renewal' period for memberships is March I think.. so if you sign up now you'll only get two months membership.

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Not only that but the 'renewal' period for memberships is March I think.. so if you sign up now you'll only get two months membership.


I think they'll give him 14 months....

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Anyone know how I can join up to the Corrado Club?


Need to do it quick too as the insurance company 'assummed' I was a member and are asking for a hefty increase to my premium if I can't show proof of membership in next couple of weeks :twisted: .


Oh dear :roll:


So you get a hefty discount for being a member?


Sounds good! :D

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you should be able to get a discount from most insurance companies if you're a regular member here. Also, don't forget to mention that you read Performance VW, The Golf+ and attended a few shows last year and intend to go to some shows this year too... ;)


It's amazing what they'll give discounts for... :D 8)

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I'll try and explain that I use the forum, buy performance VW and a couple of the other golf mags, attend shows etc and see what they say. Have a feeling they will be after the membership number though.


What would it take for the forum to be classed as a 'club'? Has anyone looked into this in the past?

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20valver, you just need to drum it into the insurance company for it to be classed as a club... I got a discount for C-F from Flux and from HIC last year and I know a few people have got discounts for mentioning Dubforce and Matey-Matey too...


It just depends on the insurance company as to if they'll do it or not... 8)

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What are the chances that the Corrado Club email address is working if their website is down? I finally got around to fishing out there details as still no Sprinter mag since joining and all I have are snail-mail addresses and email addresses, so ended up firing off an email. I'm now just wondering if they'll actually get it.


I really can't believe it's been down for so long. There must be a big problem with it all, or no-one has any time to fix it.

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I would have thought so - the email will be just re-directed anyways...


As far as I know its just the hosting for the site that is the problem altho I know for a fact that someone has offered tempory hosting! :roll:

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I got my car from the old editor and that was over a year ago. The sites been up and down for almost that time too. Not a member anymore but wanted to join again. Will fish out old mags and see if anyone related in this area can shed any light. Will keep you posted...

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Anyone know how I can join up to the Corrado Club?


Need to do it quick too as the insurance company 'assummed' I was a member and are asking for a hefty increase to my premium if I can't show proof of membership in next couple of weeks :twisted: .


Ive got a copy of the membership form if you want me to email/post it to you.

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No..not cool... I want another!


Why................the content of the forum easily outweighs the Sprinter 8)

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well i must try and contact adrian flux and tell them im a member on here, they already presumed that i was still am ccgb member after last year but havnt been able to renew the membership and luckly the havnt asked to see proof this year...

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Well they obviously felt since having such a quality car on the cover of The Sprinter, the magazine could never be reprinted in its current format, and they'd have to change the way the Sprinter works forever :) ;) :D


Seriously though I just don't know whats going on with the CCGB at the minute. We have been promised a letter to inform us all, and hopefully the AGM will be on as usual in a month or two's time.


Its all a bit confusing though quite honestly.

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