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The Corrado Club UK...

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I'm voting with my money - I've donated to help fund this site rather than what would appear to be a club in terminal decline.

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The CCGB took circa. £15,000 in subs last year, and didn't do anything...

Why do they need another £7,500?


Everyone who received nothing last year should receive the club they paid for last year, this year, for free....


I suspect all these issues will be skirted around as per usual at the AGM.

Pity I'm washing my hair.


And (donning flame suit) - I am / was a fully paid up member. I will not be parting with £7.50 this year though.


Here, here!!!


Its just damn right cheeky asking for more money. I'd rather give the cash to this site. The CCGB has given me sweet F A, whereas this site has saved me hundreds, if not, thousands of pounds.



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i must admit i've let my membership lapse this year, you either get nothing for nothing or nothing for £15 !!

its not a tough decision :-(

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For Sale: CCGB-branded Chocolate Tea Pot - only £15!


Other items available: CCGB-branded Chocolate Fireguard - limited stock - only £7.50 each!


Viva la Corrado Forum! :)

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For Sale: CCGB-branded Chocolate Tea Pot - only £15!


Other items available: CCGB-branded Chocolate Fireguard - limited stock - only £7.50 each!


Viva la Corrado Forum! :)


lmao at andi

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I think you'll find that your sums are a little off there Andi, the club has (had) about 600 members last year at last count, so about £9,000 in subs.

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Well i'm personally not going to engage in CCGB bashing - the club was still going very strong when I joined, and I had a good few years membership and access to various events thanks to them.


I think whatever problems they have had this year though have really meant that this year needs to be make or break year for them.. i've not renewed because of a seriously dissapointing year club wise (well, apart from their stand at E38 with the free BBQ for club members.. sweet!) and because i'm going to be out of Corrado ownership this year for the forseeable future anyway..


But I do sincerely hope the club can re-establish itself this year.. its definately not ready to die yet, and I don't know why it seems to be going that way! :(

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I'm not into club bashing either Jim, but the club DOES have a serious communications problem.

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April 17th Nigel.. unfortunately (or fortunately?) I am off on a short holiday that weekend so won't be there. I'm expecting the forum is going to take some heat over the fact that some members skimmed through our Mods forum when it was unlocked and want to use it as a dirt-throwing exercise.. but then I also want to know whats going on in the club so i'm kinda sad to be missing out on it this year, but won't miss the forum-bash-a-thon that I think is going to go on! Boo...


And yeah - communications have been painful this year Jeremy.. I know they don't like using the eGroup as an official means of communication, but it would help if at least some of the members knew what was going on! :(

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They can't use the eGroup as an official means of comms though - its against the regs of the Yahoo eGroups policy.


Hence offering an official forum, but nevermind...

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I agree there has been a communication problem.. however the day at Longleat last year was good fun...


At the end of the day, the club committee are all unpaid volunteers doing this in their own time....Rather than bash them offer to help, that way CCGB can do more for its members

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Rather than bash them offer to help,

i'm not bashing them mate, i just feel they need some organising , i dont think anyone would like to see the end of the ccgb.... but maybe communication would be the key to their success

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It would be a real shame if the CCGB disappeared... however, it needs a complete re-vamp in order to survive.


I've been a member for around 4 years, but like others, I haven't renewed this time around. What's the point? Think I got one Sprinter last year!?


At the very least, everyone who paid their subs last year should be given free membership for this year. What's happened to all that money FFS!


I can't be doing with all the stupid rivalry as well. We all love our Corrados! (Well, most of the time :wink: )


Know I haven't said anything new, but wanted to voice an opinion.

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i think everyone that was in the club the year the money was a mess should recieve a written appology from the present commitee for a start. i know its not their fault but it could repair some damage. i still think the whole thing should of involved the police.

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The missing website isn't the fault of the committee. It was down to one person who was a bit late in providing the website host with his credit card details.


For this I am sorry.

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G60Jet wrote: › Select ›‹ Expand

i still think the whole thing should of involved the police.Agreed..


Has he actually paid back ALL of the money yet??

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I reckon someone should tell us the whole story about the CCGB and the missing money.


I'm dying to know what happened!!



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Then again .... public notice board = just that, public.


Personally, it's the very same issue that's prevented me from parting with any money.


Think some of the people that run/that are part of the club are absolutely top guys and ladies. I just don't see why the purported fact that someone ripped the club and it's members off has to be kept behind closed doors.


If a big executive of a large plc was stealing funds, then it would be public and whether or not people continued to buy shares would be their choice, based on the full facts.

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well i've rejoined because it save's me £ on insurance and not just that i a great day at E38 on the ccgb stand, it realy confuses me why there is all the rivalry between the cf and the ccgb when we all have one common interest,i know everybody has different opinions and thats great but slaging each other off isnt called for in my opinion.

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Then again .... public notice board = just that, public.


Personally, it's the very same issue that's prevented me from parting with any money.


Think some of the people that run/that are part of the club are absolutely top guys and ladies. I just don't see why the purported fact that someone ripped the club and it's members off has to be kept behind closed doors.


If a big executive of a large plc was stealing funds, then it would be public and whether or not people continued to buy shares would be their choice, based on the full facts.



In which case any statements should come from people who are in full possession of the facts and not possession of just some (or think they know some) of the facts.....


I suspect the first people who should be informed of any more news should be the club members.. before it is aired on a public forum.


I thought the whole thing had been laid to bed at last years AGM, however I do not consider myself sufficiently in the know to put something up without risk of misrepresenting the facts...

We do not need potentially incorrect rumours or misrepresentation to start flying a round here since it will if anything further damage relations between the forum and the club.. which I think is something we could all do without.


Though I do agree that club communications havn't been the best over the past year, I feel that any statements made on here should come from an official club source.


I'm not having a dig at anyone on here, I just feel that if this is going to come up again then the club should be given the opportunity to have its say


Edit: Fixed your quoting for you - try the Quote buttons next time --Andi

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Well yes, quite. But why is no one in full possession of the facts? Because no one gets told anything.


I think the whole 'members should know first' thing has a good grounding. However, if it's putting off new members, then it's only doing more harm than good (for the club).


Please don't take it that because I am a mod on here that I have some heart-set intent to bad-mouth and put down the club at every opportunity. My reasons for not joining are two-fold - the distance with being over here ie restricted access to meets and, as I say, the (alleged) mis-management of club funds by previous people in charge.

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i still think the whole thing should of involved the police.
Agreed.. :wink:


In an ideal world maybe, but I thought there had been tentative approaches made to the police and their advice was "Try and recover the money yourselves and don't waste our time..."


Well yes, quite. But why is no one in full possession of the facts? Because no one gets told anything.


TBH, everything was aired at the EGM, but I was very disappointed there was no adequate official statement made afterwards to the members who couldn't attend....

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