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Need some help please chaps. Got my old GTI outside, ex gf brought it round earlier saying it was cutting out and stuff. Anyway, when she went to leave it wouldn't start. Had no spark! Swapped coils with my G60, still no spark. Went and got a dizzy off my mate to try put that in, got spark! Swap back to the old dizzy still got spark! WTF?! Anyway, so i've checked and double checked the timing marks, so that No.1 is on TDC compression (camshaft mark) and the rotor arm is pointing to no. 1. Will still not bloody start! Starting to get a bit p***** off now! Got spark got fuel. So...........................................? :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:

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I know this sounds obvious but is the battery in good nick? I had a simular thing with a ED1 Golf a few weeks back after bleeding the brakes. The ABS pump is left running to bleed the rears., when I came to start the car afterwards it would not start. There was a spark when i connected the hall sender plug to a secondary dizzy with the ignition on, but no spark when I turned the car over on the starter motor. Turned out there was not enough current from the battery to turn the starter motor over AND produce a good spark. Put the booster pack on and all was fine.

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Good point I forget about that. I swapped the batt of my Ed1 because the one on the GTI was dying. If it starts mine it SHOULD start the GTI

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Anyway of doing that with no Multimeter?! I dont get it. Fuel and spark = should start? Could it be flooded?It looks pretty wet in the bores. Could that be bad enough to make it not start??

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Try bumpstarting it. As the engine turns the alternator will provide plenty of juice.

It does sound like the starter is taking everything that is available.



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Right tried that. Got me two brothers and dad pushing downhill carrying some speed. It is kinda firing but not if you get what I mean. Wants to go but can't. Sounds to me like the timing is out but I've checked and double checked it! :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:

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has the dizzy been out ?


pull the cap of and turn the engine over by hand to check firing at correct time...

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Need some help please chaps. Got my old GTI outside, ex gf brought it round earlier saying it was cutting out and stuff. Anyway, when she went to leave it wouldn't start. Had no spark! Swapped coils with my G60, still no spark. Went and got a dizzy off my mate to try put that in, got spark! Swap back to the old dizzy still got spark! WTF?! Anyway, so i've checked and double checked the timing marks, so that No.1 is on TDC compression (camshaft mark) and the rotor arm is pointing to no. 1. Will still not bloody start! Starting to get a bit p***** off now! Got spark got fuel. So...........................................? :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:



Did you check the EX Girlfriends pockets for any spare parts???

Maybe she wants back into your trousers!!! :lol:

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has the dizzy been out ?


pull the cap of and turn the engine over by hand to check firing at correct time...


Yes mate I've had the dizzy out. Do you mean check the firing order? 1-3-4-2. i've done that two.


The Hub Already in there mate :lol: :lol: :lol: All well and good till this type of thing happens!!

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has the dizzy been out ?


pull the cap of and turn the engine over by hand to check firing at correct time...


Yes mate I've had the dizzy out. Do you mean check the firing order? 1-3-4-2. i've done that two.


The Hub Already in there mate :lol: :lol: :lol: All well and good till this type of thing happens!!


no have you checked the dizzy aint 180 deg out ? is the rotor arm @ #1 when at tdc ?

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Well I've got a funny feeling this could be a prob, but I lined up the camshaft mark on the back of the pulley with the cam cover, checked the crank mark, and to double check, looked down the plug hole (no.1) and the piston was it TDC. Then checked the rotor was pointing to lead 1 and it was! So thats gotta be right? Right?!!!?

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Well I've got a funny feeling this could be a prob, but I lined up the camshaft mark on the back of the pulley with the cam cover, checked the crank mark, and to double check, looked down the plug hole (no.1) and the piston was it TDC. Then checked the rotor was pointing to lead 1 and it was! So thats gotta be right? Right?!!!?


i would go and give that dizzy a turn ... hopefully sit back and watch her fire up... then you are sure to get yr prize from ya EX.. :wink: :wink: then send me a beer. :-P

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As in turn a few degrees? Like you would adjust the timing? As opposed to turning it 180 deg i mean.


bottom of dizzy you got a slot. turn it a full rev 180 deg. then place back in hole...and start up. :)

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The Hub Already in there mate :lol: :lol: :lol: All well and good till this type of thing happens!!


That explains why she has your old GTI and calls round to your house for you to fix it :wink:

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Well yea. I sold it to her when we were together. Seemed like a good idea at the time! Not so sure now!



If you can't be annoyed send her round and I'll fix her wagon :lol:

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Am I just being really thick then or what?! How can I be 180 out? Surely that would mean I would be on TDC no. 4???


thats what i ment... if the dizzy is a @ #1 lead when your @ tdc on cyl1 there is no problem, if not this is your problem which would of been caused by removing the dizzy and just simplying putting it back in 180deg out.

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Well yea. I sold it to her when we were together. Seemed like a good idea at the time! Not so sure now!



If you can't be annoyed send her round and I'll fix her wagon :lol:


:2gunfire: :nono:

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