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Polishing your engine bay!

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Hi Guy's, Just wanted to know if anyone have ever polished their engine bay. I want to polish my engine bay but not have to pay the "big bucks".


Could anyone advice me on how this can be achieved and what type of products should be used, is this an easy job or should I take the week off work to carry it out ???? lol

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which part of your engine bay? if you want me to explain the whole thing i'll be the one taking the week off.

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Sorry, should of made myself clear, I want to polish the front and the sides of the VR engine. So that when you open the bonet you'll be able to see the polished parts, i'm more interested in the front part really.


Pretty much what the following picture shows.

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If you are looking to polish your engine bay you should start with a 'detail sander'. ('Black and decker' make these, cost about £20,) I borrowed one from a M8.


I sanded the manifold and intercooler (just what can be seen when you open the bonnet). As the intercooler and manifold have a rough texture, start with a rough grade of sandpaper and gradually work your way down to about 3200 wet 'n' dry.


It took me about a week (an hour a night) to get the desired finish. The only good thing about doing this job is that it doesn't restrict you from using the car, if you neet to, just close the bonnet and drive away. :)


About six months later I was in a hardware store and spotted some aluminium polish. :D It cost about £4.00 and brought a real shine to the parts (almost mirror like).




As regards maintaning the look, no problem. It lasts a long time. I just polish mine when I'm polishing the outside of the car.


I would say, Go-for-it....

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yeah, just use sand paper.. and move to finer and finer grit till you get a mirror finish. Then finish it off with some aluminum polish. All it takes is time :)

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