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What the hell is with chavs!

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These little pricks do this cos they know they will never have a car as nice as yours without stealing it, or running drugs to buy one. They are 2 bloody thick to earn money like the rest of us, it all boils down to jealousy. People like this really get my back up! Any little prick gives it Charlie big potato's to me for no reason & he'll be gettin a headache from the metal bar under my seat! I loose it really quick when people start to out my car in some sort of danger.


I don't really get that much sort of hassle where I live now (thank god!). I used to get more attention when I had my RS Turbo. I'm pretty sure they all though RS Turbo ment try to get in my boot.


There is one particular guy locally who drives a golf vr, who takes it apon himself to roar up behind me everytime he see's go past. It was fun to play the 1st or 2nd time, but it just piss's me off now.

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Hey Jim,


I am used to that as well in Coventry! i work in Bristol and tend to come back every two weeks! i seem to get it all the time as well! I live in Chapelfields so dont get it around there but my Friends live on the other side of the city and every time i go over i just get from the common Chavs! ohh well u just have to live with it!

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the reason sonia`s corrado got written off was cos some little chav was playing silly buggers razzing right upto her bumper and then backing off....etc


2 mins later traffic was stopped he could not!!

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Always travel the long way around Coventry, when you have to get from end of town to the other, that's what I do. That's better for the engine, too, and I enjoy it more :-)


Hmm, on the idea of carrying "weapons" in the Rado, come to think of it, I suppose my steering wheel lock could act as a nice anti-chav-tool, long and heavy as it is.



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Chavs are the biggest argument for national service.............or guinea pig style experimentation.........

I've said it before mate.... Vivisection: The only way forward for these scrotes.

Send them to ICI and see how cool they look with shampoo in their eyes. 8)

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Gavin wrote: 'Yes, I know you are only 5, but don't bring one home to meet me, ever.' :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: Quality my man


Trouble is, have you noticed how this generally seems to happen when the oil temp is not even showing on the readout? And I often can't be arsed because, to paraphrase the shampoo ad " you're just not worth it"

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LOL @ ned = Scottish Chav


You never heard that before? Bit snobbish really, stands for Non Educated Delinquent! :)

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'That's what we call a chav, Neve'


'A chav, daddy?'


'Yes, I know you are only 5, but don't bring one home to meet me, ever.'



I've now got an open plan office staring at me for disturbing the noise of typing with an apparently loud laugh... :oops:

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revving the powerhouse 1.4 engine !


Oh god this made me chuckle :lol: :lol:


Thats just Chavs for you Jim, they'll never change :lol:


I say bring back Borstal! :wink: :lol:

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very funny! :lol: seem to have opened a can of worms with this one, everyone has experienced this to some degree. Well I live in Orpington which is home to Fast Car magazine and chav central, you would have to go to Southend to find more of the fcukers!

Why does the C seem to attract these morons? Most of my encounters are with the stereotypical Novas etc and it was worse when I had my 205!

I work on site so have always got some nice hammers, chisels and stanley blades kicking about :evil: but can't say any of these losers have ever given me verbal abuse. I wouldn't mind so much if they drove a bit safer, then I might have a play and they can enjoy there humble pie. Stick em all on a remote island and blow them up!

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its pretty funny to watch their greasy faces when you nail it when they are crossing the road in front of you! keeps me entertained anyway!!

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as golddust and bally know we dont have traffic lights in milton keynes so we get to smoke the chavs by holding a tighter lin around all of the roundabouts while they stare in disbelief at a car that looks good AND handles. they just dont understand that the huge roar from the supercharger behind them means dont race me youll loose and your scag head girlfriend will go off with your mate for looking like a fool!!

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Bill's quite right, the roundabout's make MK 100mph (private road?) between roundabouts and a 5 mile journey in under 5 mins.... Until you reach the city centre and I crawl over the speedbumps at 5mph while ChavScum with his rusty "D reg" Xr3i hits them at 30mph thinking he looks cool with his 2ft off the ground suspension...

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Ooh ooh ohh! I just remembered my Chav joke!


3 Chav's are in their local Wetherspoons knocking back the drinks with their dole money and talking about their new investments... 3 XR3i's!

They're all dead proud of their cars and remark at how they've all got at least 3 months MOT left and not much rust. Just to be cool they all bought different colours, a black one, a white one and a red one.


They decide they would be cool if they named their cars and had the names written up the side in Vinyl lettering.


The first Chav says, "I'm gonna call mine Black Thunder cos' it's all black innit, way cool!". The others all agree that would be "totally sik!".


The second Chav says, "I wanna call mine White Lightning, like my birds favourite drink innit!", the others think this would look cool too.


The third Chav says "I think I should call mine Clitoris!" The others nearly spit Sidekick shooters everywhere in dissbelief.

"Why the fook you doin' that?" Asks the first Chav.

"Clitta what? Never 'eard of it!" Exclaims Chav number 2.

"Ya know, Clitoris!..." Says the third Chav....

... "It's 'cos every c*nt's got one!"

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Hey Jimbo.. I had some prats in Cov trying to race me.. I left em on the bypass.. they kept coming back so I just turned of toward the A45 & they went the other way!


Hey Maj, cousins S3 wen to heaven mate, lorry wrote it off.. cousins bought an M5 now!!


In MK you get chaves allover the place, I just drive fast when i need to..

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Hi everyone new to the forum and havent got a Corrado yet.


Ive had dealings with some chav scum in derby.


I was driving in my dads red V8 Landrover and Mr chav in a crappy pale blue nova came razzing up behind me, landrovers are not the fastest of car although the V8 has some poke and i really couldnt be bothered to try and thrash a big unstable car. They started to do the usual trick of backing off the screaming up to the back of you and hitting the breaks. after 3-4 times of this happening i was getting pissed off, knowing that i am driving a tank i decided to have a bit of fun. they backed off again and i could see them thrashing towards me in my mirror and this time i hit the breaks. They went into the back of me with a big crunch, wanting some real revenge i put good old Landy in reverse and pushed them back a few metres then pulled foreward. i got out to a hale of abuse and threats, when they saw the size of me (17 stone rugby player) the threat turned into moans. the best part was i drove half way home with his from bumper attached to my car. Total damage to the landrover was £3.70 for a new rear fog light cover, the Nova looked in a bad way the front end looked a bit crushed and the radiator was leaking. HA HA HA chav scum

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Although we obviously don't condone such behaviour on Her Majesty's roads, under these circumstances Reesy top job! :D :lol:

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It was the only time ive every had any type of road rage, I think ive got it all out my system now. Thanks to the welcome to the forum when I get my C i'll be asking lots of stupid question as i dont know a lot about cars but i know that i do need to get my hands on a Corrado.

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when I get my C i'll be asking lots of stupid question as i dont know a lot about cars but i know that i do need to get my hands on a Corrado.


you're in the right place then... 8)


Welcome to The Forum... (remind me never to tailgate you! :lol: )

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Normally i drive a Yaris (dont laugh) so the slamming on the breaks routine wouldnt work as well in that.


If anyone asks I saw a rabbit in the road and had to brake, just so happened to be perfect timing to slap a chav.

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