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Nawww, I couldn't think of anything to say . I was so dumb struck.

Thought since to say 'well we do exist so if you love cars hold out for the right woman who loves them too' lol

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quicker than your focus! haha!

Atleast the kids are friendly where you live! I would be happy to inform them of the virtues of a VR.

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Lad says 'I've never seen a woman polish a car'


LOL :lol: I can see what they meant though :wink:

I cant even think of any girls I know that wash their cars, let alone polish them :lol:


My sister used to wash her fiesta with washing up liquid, but that doesnt count :D

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y sister used to wash her fiesta with washing up liquid, but that doesnt count :D


:lol: I remember the time I was bored and put washing up liquid in the dishwasher to see what would happen but then forgot about it. It went bloody everywhere, it looked like one of those Play Boy parties! The kitchen floor had never been so clean.

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Calling a Corrado a Passat :!: - that is the ultimate, bad enough when a copper asked me if that was my Passat parked outside (was loading up) - I replied yes, thats my Scirocco out there! I thought that was bad! :shock:


For the first time ever I have a list of people who say 'when you sell the G60, let me know!' :)


Have had one bloke smile at me as I drove past him, work colleagues admiring the C - one said I looked like a Bond Girl with the Raybans on! And a mechanic at a local garage was well impressed with the C this morning! 8)


Helps take your mind off of the dullness and crappiness of life and work! :wink:

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Ay, even with all the probs it has, it still takes your mind off other mundane things! LOL.

In my company car park, I am just about the only person without a company car, and the VR does stand out a bit, can't say I've had any offers to buy mine, I would only accept if it was a good offer tho...

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went to pick up a clay bar at halfords today, popped into maplin next door after. the guy at the front desk helped me with an enquiry and then said 'nice car btw, i've liked them for ages. when i get rich i'm gonna get one of those!'


I checked the car park after to see if he thought i was driving something else!


Drove off with a smug grin 8)

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Lad says 'I've never seen a woman polish a car'


LOL :lol: I can see what they meant though :wink:

I cant even think of any girls I know that wash their cars, let alone polish them :lol:


My sister used to wash her fiesta with washing up liquid, but that doesnt count :D


I'll have you know that I wash and polish my rado :)

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Was putting yet more go go juice in the c 2night when a chap got out of his 'chavalier' and shouted across the forecourt "nice wheels mate" god i love owning a proper car!!

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Hee hee, I took the girl from work down to a shoot yesterday (easy now) and when I gave it some welly overtaking numpties she said "ooh it makes rather a nice noise doesn't it!" 8)

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Hee hee, I took the girl from work down to a shoot yesterday (easy now) and when I gave it some welly overtaking numpties she said "ooh it makes rather a nice noise doesn't it!" 8)



which c doesnt!

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Mine makes a nice noise to me, to old people they think it's the third world war starting! God i love the sound of a charger!

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I'll have you know that I wash and polish my rado :)


Not at E38 you didn't...! :lol:


Few weeks back was in traffic by Aldershot station, and this group of chavs walked past - one of them just stared at the wheels, pointed at them for his mates and went "that's f**ckin' propa mate, well sweet!"


I didn't know whather to take it as a compliment or not! :D

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Took the G60 into ATS to have the Toyo's fitted to the rear on Saturday. Car oggled at by 3 of the mechanics. 2 I know anyway, the 3rd walks up and says to my better half that it's a nice car... to which Dave the mechanic says 'talk to the pilot then' pointing at me!#


It is nice owning a car that deserves attention but don't you just hate it when men assume that it is a man's car..... - here goes, opening up preverbial can of worms..... Sorry!

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Went to the local pub for sunday lunch, the car park entrance has one of those evil narrow metal speed bumps (which you need to go over realy slow). Anyway it was a sunny day and the bear garden was full of punters. They all looked round giving her the once over, and most of the blokes made quiet comments while nodding there heads up and down like the churchill dog - 'oh yas!' - being the humble guy i am i was chufted as feck :)

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A kind of chuftie - in barcelona working at the moment. They have a lot of golfs over here and seats evrywhere you look, but not seen any c's yet.


I spoke to taxi driver 'and i must admit' lured the convo towards car's - until i got the hook line and sink i had manipulated for 'So what do you drive at home' - 'A corrado vr6' - 'I yes, very very good car, my friend, we have not many here in spain, but yes, this is very very very nice car!'.


Needless to say, total chuftie.

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Offered a lift into town to 3 (young) girls last monday while I was out for a quiet drink with a mate. As we walked round the corner to the car park one of them went "oooh he's got a nice car" followed by lots of other nice comments from her friends... the journey consisted of how much it was worth, how rare they are, how nice it is inside, how good it sounds etc... once in town they then asked me to join them for a drink (would have been rude not to) - so it's official - lowered dubs pull chicks 8)

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I'd watch out for them bear gardens lukeage - can be dangerous places :lol:


Thats right dinkus! Hang around them long enough you start seeing paddington beer!

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