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114'C Engine temp normal?

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Since i got the car in November, the temp gauge has been reading about 100'C. It gets upto a high 90 soon, then gradually reaches 100 to 102C.


However, today, which is a fairly cool day, sat in traffic, i noticed it was upto 114'C. With no idea if was loosing coolant, i truned my heaters on full and it dropped to 110. Got to work and found that all fluid levels are perfect. I was just slighly concerned that i will over heat in the summer.




Cheers, Stu

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If thats water temp then perhaps not so good but if thats OIL temp (from the MFA) then thats ok to be honest.. I get similar temps in my G60 and used to have slightly higher temps in my 16v and from everything I read that was perfectly within safe levels.


Around 100-104 degrees when driving is the norm basically.


If it bugs you though, you could go down the Mocal oil cooler route - not too expensive and gives significant drops in engine temp :)

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i take it thats oil temp?


it`s been discussed a lot before


but a quick recap is that oil around 125 is too high, around 100 is perfect and buy a mocal oil cooler from somewhere like stealth, there not that expensive and relatively easy to fit!!!

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none of those temps are particularly high for either water or oil if you're sat in traffic... The fact that the temp dropped when you turned on your heater shows that the whole system is working properly as the heater basically acts as a second radiator cooling the coolant while heating the interior of the car... 8)


I normally open my window and shove the heater on flat out if I'm stuck in traffic to keep the engine a little cooler just 'cos it's a habbit I picked up which can't hurt the car and may even help her last a little longer... 8)

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I only know from bikes that 100 is fairly normal and 110 is high. Pending the tuned status.


Cheers Henny; i guess i did right then. Lets hope summer doesnt worsen the problem. What temp do you get?

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Was doing the old heater on and window open trick whilst sitting in traffic in the summer.. was agony for me but kept the car reasonably cool which is the main thing :)

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anywhere between 100 and 114 I get in my VR6. But when I've been caning it down the country lanes, I have read it at 120. But never over that no matter how hard i've been driving. So, I guess, your within the limits. The manual actually says if you hit 140 stop the car!

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StuartFZR400, H-YYU gets oil temps between 90 and 116 depending where she's being run (free running at 60mph = around 90, sat in traffic = 116) The water temp sits between 80 and 110 in the same conditions.


Before I put in a new rad on H-YYU (it had a BIG leak!) she'd get upto about 120 water and I saw her at 124 oil temp once... that's when I decided I REALLY needed to sort the leak out! ;) :lol:


J-DUB got oil temps of between 80 and 106, with water between 80 and 100 'cos of the big oil cooler and over-the-top aftermarket radiator fan I'd fitted to her... ;) :twisted: I'm expecting the same temps when I drop this engine into H-YYU... ;) 8)

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Cheers lads, I'll keep an eye on it over summer. I do think that the fan should be able to maintain a constant temp though, at whatever spec is required by vw; I'll flush it all out the spring; water & oil. I'll take a look at the grill too; bent, flies. Like i say, im sure theres no leaks.


Do you guys tend to use the Quantum(Gold) or a brand?

I will defo' use vw filters.



& yeh, it was rather warm in the car, even with the roof tilted open; hate to image doing the same trick in summer. I know - avoid traffic.

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quantum silver's the best for Corrados... ;)


You may want to check that the fan is getting 14V when the engine's running... I found that the fan on J-DUB was only getting around 9V due to cruddy wiring, so I made up a wiring loom (like Gav's headlight ones) to give 14V at the fan and that dropped the temps by a couple of degrees! Also check that the fan works on BOTH speeds as the thermoswitch is known to loose it's first setting meaning that your water temps stay over 94 degrees constantly... ;)

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Ahhh - I used the Silver in the Golf. Shame no-one here wanted that car, the engine sounded like it was new; there were no noises, tapping, rattling etc. Good for another 100k. Lets hope the new owners appreciate that. [i'll stop rambling now]

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Henny, is there a test procedure you can do to see if both fan speeds work, or do you just have to listen to them?


I've only ever heard one speed on mine but how do I know if that's the second or first speed?

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erm, I've always just used a wire to test that the fan works on both speeds by shorting across the pins on the fan switch connector, and when I'm happy that the fan (and wiring ;) ) is OK, then I run the car up to temp and watch as the fan comes on and then kicks into the second temp...


A normal C (which has the standard UK spec fan switch) should kick the first stage fan in at 95 and the second at 102 degrees (it'll switch back down to stage one at 91, and then switch off completely at 84)

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Driving home it did it again, till i got onto the open roads then it cooled. Only then it struck me that maybe the fan wasnt working. A bit slow i know. I will test it on Saturday; cables, fuse & fan.


Whats the typical cost of a fan?

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fans are expensive... :| (although slightly cheaper from GSF or Euro)


More likely to be the fan switch which is about £10... 8)

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:( Similar problem back again...


The car seemed fine until i noticed it was warming up way too slowly; took more like 20mins to come up. Got the thermostat replaced. Everything seems to work fine; fan, water levels ok, oil level ok, etc.


Yet driving to work the oil temp went over 118, and the water went upto about 111. Thats not good; cant imagine whats wrong; only maybe the water is not pumping around properly due to a blockage?; or that new stat not working??; but as said the fan kicked in today. Any otehr ideas?

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mocal oil cooler.... with this keeping the oil cooler wouldnt the supercharger perform better? or am i wrong?


If so whats the web address for stealth where they sell them?


Whats the procedure to fitting one?

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