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VR power curve looks v. wrong.. (NOW WITH DYNO PLOT) :(

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Although Blue Nothelle maybe went a little OTT, everything he said was true. Perhaps he's a little brusque, but let's face it he's the only one in this thread who's suggested any troubleshooting. Everything up to that point had been "replace XYZ". And to me it doesn't even really sound like there's an actual problem.


First rule of tech support/troubleshooting: ask questions before providing answers.


I'm bored of this crap. I've already PMd HiAsAKite and we're going to VAG-COM scan his car (assuming he has an OBD connector VR) and find out some real facts next week.


I know that Kev and co are only trying to help, but providing answers without evidence is worse than useless.


* edit - WHAT rolling road plot? HAAK hasn't posted his printout.

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dr_mat, agreed, he had a point, but the way he went about it was down right rude! He obviously knows his stuff- shame he can't make his point in a less offensive manner.

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I'm bored of this crap.


No one is forcing you to contribute. Leave the forum if it's all too much for you. You've never shown any real interest in yours or anyone elses Corrado anyway.


* edit - WHAT rolling road plot? HAAK hasn't posted his printout.


You're right, he hasn't posted a plot, a moment of madness from me. I suppose I meant to say that on my plot there was also a huge trough between 3100 and 4000 rpm like HAAK explained, which replacing the CPS cured....in my case.

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Whoa jesus.. I only just caught up on this one. I won't take the comments personally as I guess its fair crack.. I admit I have basically no fault finding skills with any engines whatsoever! I've never been particularly mechanical (and I think thats what dr_mat is trying to get to, whilst being about as subtle as a jackhammer in the process) but I have been modding this forum for a few years, and have also been part of the CCGB / eGroup and certain problems DO reoccur on these forums and I felt that Kevs diagnosis was probably quite accurate.


I do generally try and stay out of technical discussions though unless I am certain I know the answer because I am invariably wrong.

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I feel sorry for HAAK actually. It's a shame when simple requests for help turning into d1ck measuring contests....and I apologise (to HAAK) if I've instigated any ill feeling.

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I've never been particularly mechanical (and I think thats what dr_mat is trying to get to, whilst being about as subtle as a jackhammer in the process)


I never said a word about you, Jim...


Kev: Maybe I don't "care" about my Corrado the way you care about yours (ooer missus), but I DO care about people getting bad or non-existant advice. I would like to think that just as my queries were answered with friendly and helpful facts, newcomers to the forum now get the same treatment. THAT is why I've tried to contribute what I can (but little and second-hand it may be) to this forum over the past couple of years.


Hence the .sig.


Anyway, I'm not going to contribute any more crap to this thread until I've got something constructive to add (probably courtesy of a laptop and a funny looking cable..)


As for the "criticising the mods" crack, well frankly if they're childish enough to take offence and boot me out then I didn't want to be here anyway. :roll:

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Ok I think we need to wrap this up and let it get back on topic.


I think I can speak for all of the mods here when I say we are not that far up our own butts that we can't take a bit of well placed criticism. I'm not stupid enough to think my Moderator status makes me any 'better' than anyone else on the forum! So no, I personally won't be looking to remove anyone off the forum. My apologies dr_mat - I thought you were levelling some crafty but fairly deserved criticism.. but I guess not so I owe you an apology :)


Well.. lets please let this 3 page slanging match go back on topic to what it was before people end up falling out over someones (potentially!! :D) dead Cam Position Sensor.

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130-something bhp at the wheels is ~30bhp down on what you might reasonably expect from a healthy VR6 - pretty much independent of whose rolling road it is.


The rpm at which it's making peak torque and power look about right though.

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Ok all, thanks for all your replies, I'm going to take up Dr mats offer if possible (I have the 2x2 connector in my car.. not the later connector).

Here (aty long last) are copies of the dyno plots..


estimate at the fly



and measured at the wheels



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Darn it I've only got the OBD adapter cable.. If you've definitely got a 2x2 I can't help I'm afraid.. :(

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I've got a 2x2 adapter cable - I leave it round KevHaywire's tho as he has the rest of the VAGCOM kit - PM him if your desperate, I'm sure he wouldn't mind sending it down to Mat...

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Yep HAAK and I are meeting up on Sunday.


The curves don't look that bad tbh, we'll see what the old VAG-COM has to say on the matter.

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HAAK's car has been scanned and it was indeed the cam sensor (G40). I've sent him on his way to Hertfordshire with a new sensor from Haywire's parts emporium, so hopefully he'll report back with news of improved engine performance.



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Kev.. you're a star.. many thanks for your help Sunday it was really appreciated.. and now it pulls like a train from 2K onwards.... ..I'd forgotten what she used to feel like..

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No worries mate..... the cam sensor makes hell of a difference. Will be interesting to see what it's putting out now!

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just been reading this for the first time................one thing thats perhaps being overlooked is............if its making approx 174bhp at the fly...........are you sure its an ABV engine and not an AAA or non-ABV VR6 thats in it?............afterall there must be a few VR6 C's out there that have had an engine failure and been replaced with the cheaper more easily obtainable Golf/Passat/Sharan VR lump...........just fresh eyes looking in as it were :wink:

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Plus it did have a dead cam sensor..



d'oh............i read the first 2 pages and not the 3rd :oops:

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