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fuel flow issue? - NRRRRR

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Long time no post!

Up to now, that was mostly because I had no time to tinker, and corrado had been bobbing along smoothly.

But no longer!


:cry: :cry:


It developed a fault on friday, whereby the engine irratically lost power, or struggled to maintain idle, back-firing when at high revs, and generally coughing and spluttering.

On thursday night, I had just refueled, and put in 40 litres, the most I've ever filled. So my best guess is some crud in the bottom of my tank has been sucked up into the gubbins, and is obstructing flow (it's a '90 16V, and I think has a 45L tank).

It fires up ok, probably because the pump has a chance to fill the lines. Then, after a few minutes (or sometimes seconds), the revs start to wander about, and generally it drops down to below 500, and sits there struggling. Intervention of the throttle gives a brief respite, but even then the response is late, and irratic...


So I got it towed to a local garage, because I ain't got time to do anything more useful than curse alot right now.

Any advice on what the likely cause is, and how it could be fixed? Is it just a matter of clearing lines, or could something like the pump or filter need replacing?


Any help much appreciated :?





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maybe worth changing the fuel filter as a matter of course and as a cheap elimination process.


are the pumps noisier than normal?


neil. :)

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yup, change the fuel filter and then go from there... could be a dead pump, clogged injector or clogged metering head if this doesn't cure it... :| time to start investigating...


Odds are that the fuel filter will make it much better though... That's what it's there for afterall! :lol:

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So my best guess is some crud in the bottom of my tank has been sucked up into the gubbins

Typically things work the other way around, when there is little fuel in the tank crap falls out of solution and this is when they typically cause problems. Driving on the bottom end of the tank has one bad side, it means when you corner all of the fuel sloshes to one side and the fuel pump pick-up is sucking air. The fuel pump is lubricated by fuel and when it sucks air it can easily be damaged and this will cause wear. After a while it will start putting out less pressure until it is at the point that it can barely make the car run. After this it will barely start the car and then die after a few minutes of idling.


As mentioned above, the best place to start is to change the main fuel filter and ensure all of the tune-up parts are in good shape. I would also check into any common problems the 16V may have in your area (we never got the Corrado with a 16V) and perhaps have the fuel pressure tested.


Cheers, Dennis

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I rang my garage this afternoon, who tell me they reckon it's a distributor issue, because it's intermittant.


They didn't seem right sure.


Anyone recommend a decent VW garage in the area (cheshire)?





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Smithy Garage in Sandbach are very good... they're not VW specialists, but they know their stuff... expect to have to wait though, they're always busy... 8)

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