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Noisy on coilovers ?? Mine is......

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Since having my S/S FK Konigsport Coilovers fitted i can say that the ride is nice and firm but not too hard/crashy, seems to absorb bumps well and i feel like i can throw it round corners compared to the standard set up. Thing is the car is sooo noisy now, sounds like i'm in a helicopter, its weird cos the smoother the road is, the noisier it becomes, i mean like tyre noise and vibration, even on my standard wheels. Does this sound normal ? Whats your car like since changing suspension ?? I'm thinking my allignment could be out because when i corner hardish to the left the noise dissapears and to the right it seems to get worse. Whatcha think ?

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Serves you right for purchasing cheap skanky rubbish, should have got the Koni/H&Rs! Only kidding. I really rate the Konigsports actually, I don't know about the 4 pots but the VR6 takes to them superbly.


Anyway, yes you may get slightly more vibration and noise with stiffer springs and dampers. I get the same sensations you describe but my geometry is quite agressive.....-1.5 negative camber and +0.5 toe out so I accept it and it certainly hasn't affected mechanical grip or steering feel at all. In fact those settings facilitate a razor sharp turn-in and superb self centering and dead ahead feel.


I know my noises etc are not down to BJs, bearings, bushings etc etc as they're all new....it's just the spring rate and tyre tread blocks doing their thing.


As your from Ipswich, I bet you notice these sensations on the same roads I do? Turning right at the roundabout onto the ski slope hille on wherstead road transmits a grindey feeling through, but I've looked at the tarmac and that is the primary cause.

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sounds like youve not got a knackered left hand side wheel bearing m8?


or maybe a noisy cv joint,is there any clicking when turning tight,slow corners?


neil. :)

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Could be an outer CV but they tend to rumble rather than grind. Taking up drive in 1st is usually quite jerky with worn CVs due to the excessive play.

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Mine feels great to drive now - like you said with the dead ahead feel. I actually came that way home tonight, threw it round that corner and roundabout(towards town) felt great !! Its more so when i'm in a straight line (on the A14) around 60-75mph get past 80 and it starts to fade. My girlfriend put her hands over her ears on the A12 yesterday! I've got Conti Sport Contact 2's at the mo - could be them ?? Does the noise dissapear on cornering with your cheaper set up Kev (Joke) !!?

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CV's all fine and bearings, no clunky steering just sounds like i'm in an plane going up a runway to take off

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mmm,does sound like road/tyre noise then probably.


the mega stiff avo's on the mk1 didnt cause any more noise,just crashy as hell!



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