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Window Tinting

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If you look at my picture on the side of my posts they have tinted windows and it looks quite good. My car was edited by one of my work mates to see what it would look like.


Whats peoples opinions on window tinting, if I was to get it done I would go any darker than light smoke but do you think it suits my picture as my car is that dark burgandy colour.


Its not massively important but its something Im thinking of doing....maybe??

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It looks good mate, u don't need anything to dark.


Heres my car which has the Legal Limit all round



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that looks cool, subtle and smart. I may do the mod now?? Anyone tinted there burgandy c and have got a pic?

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I would be very careful about tints at the moment!! I dont know if any of you have heard about the light meter they are introducing to all the police forces around the country, but there was a case a couple of weeks ago when a bloke in manchester driving his chrysler voyager got pulled over and got told that he had 2 hours to get his car off the road and got given a heavy fine!! His car came out the factory with limo tints but any front windows ( driver, passenger and windscreen) have to let in at least 76% light in otherwise it is deemed to be illegal, the back windows dont matter how dark you go as it will be treated like a van. Anything over a very very light smoke is deemed to be illegal as alot of factory tints nowadays is already at the limit!! I have got 20% tints which only allow 20% light through which haven't caused me any problems so far but I wouldn't count on it lasting much longer as the police are apparently really cracking down on them and you can face upto a £1000 fine and have to have the tints taken out!!! BUGGER!!!!

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cheesy, nice tints pitty about the focus side repeaters!! fancy putting a ford part on a C!!!

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Well if they are clamping down I'm totally fu$&*d!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! My windows are really dark but were done before I bought the car. Looks like I'll have to whip them off and get it made lighter. :mad:

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I know Nigel, but at the time they were fitted i was going for the crystal style look all round, and they were the best avalible at the time.

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Mercedes do a special tint that is a Limo tint if you like that you can see out of perfectly and you cant see in at all!! The Germans ey!!


I will make some enquiries for those who like to go dark and stay legal. Your best bet if your worried about your tints where there are lots of police is to simply put your windows down!



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Well if they are clamping down I'm totally fu$&*d!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! My windows are really dark but were done before I bought the car. Looks like I'll have to whip them off and get it made lighter. :mad:

As one of my uni mates found out the cops now carry a light meter device for checking your tints. he got done and had to put his old glass back in, as he ordered new tinted glass!! costly!!

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rams It's not the fact that you can see out of the windows mate it's the light thats let in the cops will put the light meter on the outside of the window and take the reading if it's less than 76% then your in trouble. I'm not sure what to do myself as my car only lets in 20% light, I dont really want to have to change to a lighter tint as I think the ones that are on there really suit the car but I dont fancy having a hefty fine and having to take them off!! I'm going to see what happens if I hear of people being done for having the tints on their cars I will probably take them off straight away!! Worth keeping an eye on though!!!

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Mate we have a picture somewhere with the traffic police in a T5 fully stickered up with Limo tints all round!! We all ran over and took loads of pictures and someome from our group in a Saxso got done for the limo tint on jhis car so he gave the picture in / a copy and showed the traffic department and he got away with it, they still told him to take the tints off so there is definitely a grey area.


I wouldnt say you will get a big fine, how long have you had the car for and if you have been pulled over by traffic policy they would have said something then! :lol:

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I have had the tints on my car now for nearly a year and haven't been stopped for them yet but if it is true that they are indeed cracking down on tints then I could be in trouble!! Got any copies of that picture of the T5 with the tints if I kept a copy in the car and get pulled for them I would be able to have something to fight back with :D

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rams It's not the fact that you can see out of the windows mate it's the light thats let in the cops will put the light meter on the outside of the window and take the reading if it's less than 76% then your in trouble.


When I lasted checked, my eyes didn't emit any light.

The light let into the cabin, and what you can see out of it, is exactly the same....

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I have seen the police T5 with full limo tint that one of my friends has a picture of, so if I did get into any trouble I would show the police my re search!

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The new legal limit is 70% light transmission.


This means that if your glass does not allow 70% + of the light through (into the cabin :lol: ) then you will get told to remove the tints... The new legislation also allows the police to impound the vehicle immediately to stop you driving it in "a dangerous, unroadworthy condition" :?


Most counties will be getting the meters in nearly all of their traffic cars within the next couple of months...


If you've got REALLY dark tints, get 'em tested before you get stopped else you may end up in the middle of nowhere with an impounded car! :shock:


Oh, and just 'cos the police had a tinted T5, doesn't mean that you can get away with it as the legislation only just got passed and the only way you could argue would be if the car that stops you had dark tints... :(


Finally, AFAIK, this ONLY affects the front windscreen and front door windows. These are legally needed to be a minimum of 70% but you should be able to argue that you use the car as a VAN and so aren't able to use the rear windows! :lol: As long as you have both door mirrors they shouldn't be able to do squat... :D I wouldn't like to test that theory though... :roll:

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Unfortunately I dont have the pic, my friend does and I will try and get a copy! You could always say that you saw a traffic polic car with it done so why cant we?


Light smoke on the rear side windows its fine, im sure. Thats the only tint I would go for anyway as I think it gives the car a subtle look and tint of class 8)

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Oh, and just 'cos the police had a tinted T5, doesn't mean that you can get away with it as the legislation only just got passed and the only way you could argue would be if the car that stops you had dark tints... :(


Personally, I reckon that if they were being really arsey, it wouldn't make the blindest bit of difference if the car that stopped you had "limo tint" all round (inc. front windscreen!)



They are (literally) a law unto themsleves!


The police can't be prosecuted for committiong a crime if it's in the line of duty - i.e. they could argue that they had to have dark tints to covertly observe other drivers...

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I'm sure I've read somewhere about windows that you connect to the electric supply. At the flick of a switch the windows are tinted, flick the switch back and they're clear again.

Not sure where I read about it though as it was a while ago but it would be amusing to be pulled over for tints only for them to magically dissapear before the officers eyes.....

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Finally, AFAIK, this ONLY affects the front windscreen and front door windows. These are legally needed to be a minimum of 70% but you should be able to argue that you use the car as a VAN and so aren't able to use the rear windows! :lol: As long as you have both door mirrors they shouldn't be able to do squat... :D I wouldn't like to test that theory though... :roll:


This is absolutely correct, any window behind the driver is not covered by the 70% tint rule. Also note that only Traffic Police with the correct training can issue the PG9 and perform the test on your tints (PG9 is the name given to the action of taking the vehicle off the road becuase it is in dangerous condition, also it has no appeal!).


If you're really worried, hold up a newspaper to the window and if you can read it through the tints you should be ok, borderline, better get it looked at.



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I think the term for it is opaque, not sure on spelling, but large american companies have it where they have function room or meeting room and when the are using over head projectors etc they can flick a switch and they change the glass where you cant see out off. It is very expensive, you can even have your company logo etc on the glass to show your prospective new clienyts that you know your stuff!


I like the idea of making the copper go senile!! That would be a classic, - what are you chatting about mr officer, theres nothing wrong with my car so can I go now or do I have to report you for harrasiment. I have used a racial comment that was thrown at me by an officer once as I am half eqyptian, I am not dark but just have dark hair and eyes etc and AI said to him to be fair with me or I would report him for racial harrasment and it always works. Because the police have very srong laws on racism, plus I was actually stopped when I was 18 in my K plate G60 4 sometimes five times a day for just checks and they never believed that the car was mine and though I was into drug dealing and left me standing with 2 mates by the side of teh road with my seats out and carpet and left me there to put it all back in! They found nothing naturally, but I thoought that was a point I could use again wen they acted unreasonably. The next time I was spoken to by an officer was when I had a funny looking mate that had an escourt XR31 and we were cruisng tghe streets in our younger days like you do and we got pulled over. By law, if your not the driver you dont have to give them your details unless they arrest you. So it was my turn to annoy the police, he poked his head through the window and asked me what my name was after getting the drivers deatils and I said to him im not telling you, he replied, why, arte you hidding anything, I replied no, just I know that I dont have to give you my detials. They got me out of the car and started to search me and acused me on being on drugs and I said I have never touched drugs in my life, he made me take my tee shirt off and mind you it was ranning so I said to him, when you're done just give the your collar numbers as I have been to see your chief inspector and he said if im hassased to take their numbers down and report it to me. As soon as I told them that they left me alone, one officer tried to walk back to his car and he was the one that had been most lippest to me and I said, come back, I need your number too and we will see what your chief says! Wicked, everything was dropped, and we were left to carry on doing what we were doing. So for those who do get into difficultie, try and use it if you are foreign or could get away with it! I am not being unfare, but you can get officers who are out of line like they were to my gfather who is definitely darker!

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If you're really worried, hold up a newspaper to the window and if you can read it through the tints you should be ok, borderline, better get it looked at.


Newspaper on the inside and read from the outside, or vice versa?

The paper would be less readable if its on the outside, looking from inside the car, as there would be less light to reflect.

Erm, I think.


Interesting test, though!

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If you're really worried, hold up a newspaper to the window and if you can read it through the tints you should be ok, borderline, better get it looked at.


Newspaper on the inside and read from the outside, or vice versa?

The paper would be less readable if its on the outside, looking from inside the car, as there would be less light to reflect.

Erm, I think.


Interesting test, though!


Newspaper on the outside and read from the inside... 'cause that's what you're doing when you're drivin'! :wink: :lol:


...unless you're driving with your head out the sunroof and trying to look at the dials through the window... :crazyeyes:

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Newspaper on the outside and read from the inside... 'cause that's what you're doing when you're drivin'!


I normally have the newspaper up against the steering wheel whilst driving and reading.......



Ok, might try that. 'Cos I think my tints are 'medium' so I would be interested if that is too dark or not.

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Ok, might try that. 'Cos I think my tints are 'medium' so I would be interested if that is too dark or not.


I thought they were ok when I saw them mate...



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