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Supercharger and MPG question

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Is it good to always have the supercharger engaged?



I was driving at very high speeds to the GTI festival for around 45 minutes. The supercharger was engaged most of the time.


The MPG figures I got were rubbish. So does it mean that when you drive high speeds (80+) the fuel consumption increases?





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ummm? The supercharger is ALWAYS running when the engine is... that's the way a G60 supercharged engine is designed to work... :roll:


MPG figures drop rapidly over around 60mph as the air resistance increases substantially so the engine has to work more to go faster and hold a faster speed therefore it uses more fuel... This is true of ANY car.

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If you keep accelerating all the time then you will use loads of fuel but at high speeds (cruising at 80-100mph) I find the G60 to be more efficient than my mums mk3 golf (1.8 auto) with the engine running about 1000 rpm lower to produce the same speeds costing about 2p per mile less in fuel...

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Gearing is the key to mpg at motorway speeds. Keep the revs down with a massive final drive ratio and you'll get better economy, as long as you're not expecting performance...

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