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Whats the most embarrasing moment you've had in your corrado

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Corrado16ved, that sucks mate :(


glad you're ok though. will hurt seeing the pics!

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haha a guy in an IROC camaro thought he was the best thing since soft serve ice cream, looked my my corrado like it was garbage (at the time had a built 1.9L stage 4 with only a rebuilt G60, but shortly after went lysholm) so i haded the guys ass to him badly. well appearently the gas guage in my rado is off by different increments... topped off it's 1/4 tank off (reads low) and appearently down twords the bottom it's like dead on or opposite and well i ran out of gas... HAHAHA

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Well, i was with 2 friends, one in my car and the other in her own car, i pulled up behind her and my car stalled/died, it wouldnt start back up (it was dead) and the worst part was that i had blocked her in parking spot luckily i had a jumper pack in the trunk so i had to get out jump the car to get out of her way, pretty embarassing then the next day at school, she told some kids in my class and they were laughing but i was able to make a bs excuse saying it was stick and i had just started to drive, they all stoped cuz they were like dam he drives stick lol

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My most embarassing moment was probably when I was selling the car, a chap came down to view the car, took it for a test drive at which time the heater matrix blew! Bingo, a 2ltr 16v sauna! This was followed by me driving the car back home ala Ace Ventura because it was impossible to clear the windscreen!!


Another one was when BOTH door handles broke the evening before the car was due to go into the bodyshop, you should have seen the guys face when I explained they would have to get in the car via the boot! Not amused!!

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excuse saying it was stick and i had just started to drive, they all stoped cuz they were like dam he drives stick lol


How ironic when the most embarassing situation I ever had was getting stuck in a petrol station blocking 4 pumps... in some automatic tank.


I'd agreed to buy a new Merc A-class and gone to pick it up (Yeah I know, I've moved on now but needed therapy). Typical mercedes style it wasn't there to collect. So after moaning about selling my old car already, they gave me the only courtesy car they had left.... Some huge E class automatic (IIRC). I'd never driven one and one the size of a cruise liner as well. So I pull into the local petrol station keeping it wide to avoid scratching the thing and fill her up. I get back in to start her up, and nothing. Tried everything I could think of for 30 minutes while people waited and got pissed off. In the end descided to walk back to the Merc place and complain (5 minute walk). So I put it in park and then it hit me.... bloody thing was in drive. Started up like a dream after that.


Never filled up in that gas station ever again :oops:

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not in a corrado but...


I'd been working late on a project with a looming deadline. I and one of the other programmers had just left the office at around 3am and I was heading home along deserted duel carrageways.


As I drove past the local BP I realised that at that time of night my only hope of getting anything to eat was going to specialise in selling petrol along with snackfood, so I pulled in. Topped up the fuel (might as well) grabbed a ginsters and some generic fizzy pop, paied, returned to car and sat down.... got out of car again, walked around to DRIVERS side with bright red face and drove away.


I was glad it was 3am, but not so happy that both the staff on the tils were wetting themselves laughing.

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In that situation you should always pretend to fiddle with something in the glovebox for a moment..... I know, as I did it the first 20 times i got into my LHD in the UK.

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chrishill, LMAO!! :lol: :lol:


I've sometimes walked around that way, but never actually got in :lol:



Damn you gave me the giggles now!

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