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Idiot drivers!!!

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Saturday morning, M20, guy in a black Honda Integra started throwing rubbish out of his window at me 'cos he didn't want me to overtake! :mad: So dangerous at 70+ :? :shock:


Basically, he was undertaking, tailgating etc in the traffic. Then when it cleared he wouldn't let me past! He started gesticulating wildly. I was never less than about 2-3 car lengths behind so wasn't tailgating (which I hate myself, so wouldn't do to anyone else). Guess he couldn't hack it that he was no longer the fastest car on the road :twisted:

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Some nice people on the road arnt they :mad:

Sometimes i would love to be copper in an unmarked car just get t@ts like this :D

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best thing to do is keep ur cool and be patience. At The end of the day its you who has the superior car :p

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Yeh, always best to keep a cool head. Difficult when people are being dangerous though :x

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see i dont understand why u CANT keep a folding crossbow in your glovebox its a n essential :mad: :evil: :twisted:

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Aaight, now that would be worth investing in!


Migs, believe me I felt like it! He was a complete tosser!

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Andy.. sorry to go OT.. but when are we gonna see pics of the VR!! :)

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