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I've had my car blocked in!!

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I'm absolutely livid! Just come out of the sports centre @ work after a game of squash to find that someone has parked on gridded yellow "do not park here" lines across the back of my car and totally blocked me! No way out!


I called security and they came over to see if there was anything they could do (along with a clamp, to clamp the w*nkers car) but i've had to phone my old man and get a lift home. They will phone me as soon as the idiot comes back to his car and contacts the security office to get his car released..


I can't believe how stupid some people are! I was desperate for them to come back to their car whilst I was waiting there so I could give them a f*cking gobfull. I'm not normally a rude / angry type person but after the day i've just had at work, they would have got both barrels.. and then the flipping stock of the gun in the face too!!!!


If they've not claimed the car tonight (and my car has to stay there all night) i'm going back with some kind of implements.. either that or i'm just gonna lob a brick through their window so I can undo the handbrake and roll it out of the way.


Some people.. inconsiderate a$$holes.


:x :x :x :x :x :x :x :x :x :x :x :x :x :x :x :x :x :x

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Tried pushing it?


I'd at least like to inconvenience him seeing as though he's done it to you.


You have to break his legs.

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Some people live in a little world of their own where noone else exists or matters. I like the brick through the window idea, why wait till tomorrow....do it now!!

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Ah.. well.. quick resolution. The security department from the Uni just called me..


Guy has been to pay his fine and is now off to move his car.. will go get my motor back after i've had some dinner and calmed down!



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Couldn't you use a tow rope and just drag them out of the way? I'd leave a nasty note under the wiper and leave their car in the middle of the road - with maybe a key mark down one (if not both) sides!!!


That sux mate - hope you get your car free soon... it does go to show that exercise is no good for you though ;)

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go borrow somebodies 4x4 and either drive over it or drag it around till the handbrake snaps/something important falls off. :D

maybe the car will be about when you get there and you can accidentally kick in all the windows and piss on the door handles

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Friend of mine owns a shop with a private car park - and handily a Range Rover.


Anyone else parks in there - out he goes with a tow rope and drags the car onto the road and leaves it abandonned.


He loves it :)

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If I could have actually got my car out, I was going to leave some polite "Don't ever do this again" reminders on it.. like a kicked in door or something.


I'd like to stress i've never done anything like this to anyones car before, but I was so wound up, I was ready to just go ape on that motor! :|

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That, alas, would be the advantages of driving a £50 sh1tter...


*Vrooooom* *crunch*



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We used to have this with people parking infront of the garage doors so they could pop in to the town centre, a trolley jack and a good push normally sorted them out, we used to move it further down the road onto double yellows then flag down the nearest parkie. :o)

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I think most people are joking and can sympathise with the situation and obviously don't appreciate inconsiderate people!

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Since when did chav's overule this forum :?


Excuse me?


I'd like to mention that the sports hall car park does get very busy so space is at a premium so you could understand people taking any available space.... BUT there is a 5 floor multistory car park literally attached to the sports hall car park which is free after 4pm and had at least two entire floors free at the time I got blocked in. No excuse.


My car is now back.. my temper has subsided.

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That or you and a friend could bump it round out of the way, whats the worst that can happen - the alarm go off :twisted: ;)

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Calm down Jim is only a...................... :lol:


Given the chance I would have let down all the tyres, that way they are stranded for sometime and you don't get caught for criminal damage with a brick. A bit tame I know but like you Jim I'm not a naturally agressive person.

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A little bit counter-productive stranding them, cos then you're stuck for longer...

Better to move their car by force if that's in any way possible. If it was a VW you would probably have been able to push it along without releasing the handbrake anyway... :)

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Rag in the petrol tank and torch the bugger!



Ok, maaaaybe a little extreme..

"Breathe in, and out, and in, and out, annnd relax..."

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Yeah.. well as I say:


a) Not that malicious so it would only have been a light 'idiot' reminder

b) Didnt wanna damage car whilst mine was still there as it would have been an open ticket for him to smash mine up

c) Didnt wanna immobilise it as I wanted my bloody car back!


Knowing he is £35 out of pocket for his laziness and stupidity makes me feel a bit better though!

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Wossup with the forum right now (sorry, OT)? I keep getting the actual text of "viewtopic.php" instead of the OUTPUT from that script!

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I think most people are joking and can sympathise with the situation and obviously don't appreciate inconsiderate people!


Thats exactly what i was doing :lol:

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At least you were somewhere where there was an authority on hand to inconvenience them with a clamp and force them to pay a fine.

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dr_mat, the server is very busy come 8-10pm our time - it hosts more than the forum.

Its just the occasional spike when more than 50 people try to connect at any one time, causing someone to get the boot.


A refresh normally does the job.

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