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Chris M

Clock gremlins

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I'm wondering if you guys can help,


My C g60's clocks have started waving at me, about a month ago my speedo started dancing about everytime i went over 80 it would go about 20mph each way, and at normal speeds just tootling it would jump about 5mph evertime i came off the throttle, this was intermitant. Now the gremlin seems to have started waving at me from the rev counter and the speedo is rock steady again. The rev counter seems ok after first starting it up but gradually gets worse, as i put my foot down it becomes very eratic once warm.


Every VW i've owned seems to have had rev counter deth at some point, i'm starting to think i give off some sort of rev counter fecking field :cry:

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What year is your G60?? I would have said it was the gearbox speedsensor if you have an electronic speedo but that wouldn't affect the rev counter...


Maybe a bad earth somewhere...

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Its a 91 with a speedsensor but the speedo seems to have repaired itself now and its just revs. after getting home last night i just sat and watched it for a bit with the MFA rev couner on aswell and they are both the same, they keep dipping and going off now and again like its loosing signal but the revs are stedy.


i've never had the clocks out, but i have recently fitted a new head unit, come to think about it it was about the time the speedo stoped playing up. but that was 3 weeks ago and the rev counter only started playing up a couple of days ago.


any idea where the earth point is.



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is your spoiler still raising and lowering automatically?


both my guages seem to dip quite a lot sometimes but both guages do it at the same time, i have checked all the earth points and cleaned out all the connectors, also my clock likes resetting itself, it never has trouble starting so its a bit confusing maybe the regulator is faulty

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yes my spoiler still works fine, the speedo only ever realy played up at higher speeds so it never dipped low enough to send it back down.


every time i think about electrics is sends waves of dread over me, all i see is a bird nest of wires, give me some thing mechanical with moving parts and i'm happy as larry. after nearly having a bashboard fire in both my mk1 and mk2 due to the headlight switch electrics realy scare me.

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G60Jet - I see what you are getting at here......My G60 did exactly the same when my mobile phone was on the dashboard. Turned out it was the interference from the handset. Phone in pocket = no problems.

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Pickard1, i put my phone near the clocks once, the clocks went nuts. thats why i know they interfer with the rev counters

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usually its in my pocket or in the door, i'll try it in different places and see what happens.


thanks for the help.

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hello to all i`m in the same problem g60 1991 the speedo and rev counter are all over the place need help dont knoew my left from my rifgt...had clocks out re fitted checked etc still prob.

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i had the same problem. checked the connections and everything, in the end i just bought some more clocks off of ebay. job done. no problems since

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Chris M - suggest you check the earth connections. On a VR the speedo sender earth is on the back of the rocker cover, no idea were it is on other models. My car had exactly the symptoms you're getting and it was down to a poor earth.

If it's not this I'd replace the speedo sender. If still no joy it'll be the dash clocks/printed circuit board - you'd be better off getting another set of clocks cos they are mega bucks new.

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