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Easiest, cheapest, Best mod to a STD 2.0 16v?

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New to the site - and Corrado's - lovin it so far!


Just got me a 2.0 16v and was wondering what the easiest, cheapest mod is that gives the best results? De-cating? Chipping? Cam replacement?


If I wanna get it plus 200 bhp what would I need to do?



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as you'll find out, getting a lot more out of the 16v isn't very easy, and sometimes not very rewarding. i'm trying to find a 2L block, and 1.8L head to make into a turbo project. ....or an audi 5 cylinder, haven't decided yet :p

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Bit pricey tho, fitting a turbo, eh?


Was looking for something simpler really.


What kind of results do you get from chipping, de-catting, and sports exhausts/airfilters?

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The Corrado is already a sports coupé - so chipping/decatting/exhausts/filters won't give you the same results as a Corsa ;)


You might see 15bhp if you're lucky with that lot.

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try looking around the forum for past posts... there has been talk about all of these i believe so you might get better info looking through past posts. i personally don't know squat about the 16v but i've heard that things like cams are an improvment (if you get the right ones) but might not be worth the money for many people.

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Andi, I find that comment derogatory! I have never, and will never own a corsa! ;)


Seriously though, AmD chips claim a 12-15bhp increase alone, for £250, surely that's worth a look?

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A rechip might get you 12-15bhp - but its more likely to do that if you have the air filter, exhaust, decat done and the chip is setup in order to benefit from these.


On their own you won't see much difference - all together, you might see ~15-20bhp.


The exhaust isn't that restrictive for the standard engine, the CAT is a sport's cat anyway, and the air box isn't that bad... so altering all that doesn't normally bring anywhere near the normal benefits you would expect of 'lesser' cars (that better? ;)) and the mod's manufacturer's claims.


I would predict the following:

decat = 2bhp (if your lucky - some find a decrease)

air filter = 1bhp

exhaust = 2bhp

rechip = 10bhp (again, depends on a lot of the engine's charactistics).

corrado-forum.net sticker = 40bhp (well, might have exaggerated that one...)

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...not quite the same as the new Seat Ibizia Turbo Diesel where you can get a further 50bhp from a rechip... ;) And a wicked increase in torque! But then that does involve a turbo!

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ya, 1.8L head is supposed to be better than the 2L head.. but the 2L block is prefered over the 1.8L since it has more displacement. :)

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Yeah I read that in an earlier post - I think they said the cams - has anyone tried it?


There is also a Schrick cam upgrade, I believe? Has anyone tried that?

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New to the site - and Corrado's - lovin it so far!


Just got me a 2.0 16v and was wondering what the easiest, cheapest mod is that gives the best results? De-cating? Chipping? Cam replacement?


If I wanna get it plus 200 bhp what would I need to do?





its not going to be impossible to get near 200bhp from the 16v.............just EXPENSIVE!!! :shock: if you pm apose_gill on this forum i'm sure he'll tell you the costs involved in getting his to near 200bhp(can't remember how much power he has tho)


the thing with an AmD rechip is that your Corrado will be better to drive and pull harder.......and as you say is only £250+Vat

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Nitrous is another way of getting an easy HP increase.





and all those nitrous bottles you'd use would cost a fortune too :wink:

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You know you wanna go G60!

Seriously though Stoph, once you start spending...... I started with a standard 1.8 16v, thought I'd be happy and now have a G60!! It's an addiction.

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Stoph, re your desire for more power. You can reliably expect to uprate your 16V 's output to 179bhp as a normally aspirated engine and this i have done without problem. Your wish list requests 200bhp, sorry mate not going to happen from a road car in normally aspirated trim. To cross this threshold you need to get blown :lol: A G60 conversion would be the way to go and in any case what is the sense in throwing everything at an engine to uprate it to this spec, when the power you want already exists in another engine that is going to fit straight into your bay. Again i have done this conversion and can tell you it will give you the result you want, and furthermore the result you will be after later on!

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Stoph, re your desire for more power. You can reliably expect to uprate your 16V 's output to 179bhp as a normally aspirated engine and this i have done without problem.




I figured the upper limit was about 160 ish... :scratch:



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hello Stoph


Ok for cheap money mods the best thing everyone does is get a 2L 16v bottom end and a 1.8 16v head with cams. Also get yourself a de-cat pipe or sports CAT with at least a 2.5 inch exhaust system


That way you should see about 170bhp.


Like Vr6Storm mentioned after this it becomes expensive and hard to get much more power out of a 16v N/A, i'm producing just under 200bhp but then my engine was built to take a bit more which soon all will be revealed.


The biggest problem on any 16v corrado is the fuel system yes its got better instant pick up over Electronic Fuel System but thats it, you get flat spots on the higher end of the rev range.


As for chipping its impossible to chip a 16v corrado yes you can add chips like the k-star and v-sam but from what ive heard your better off spending the money on a piss up :D


Personally save yourself some money and if a cheap 1.8 16v engine turns up grab it then either go down the supercharger route 250-350 bhp ive seen been done or turbo 250-600 bhp and the reason I say 1.8 16v is that you can use the pistons from the early Audi Quattro turbos so compression would not be a problem :lol:



2.1 16v

1.3 turbo

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...but then my engine was built to take a bit more which soon all will be revealed.


Cue dramatic music... I can't wait to see whats on the cards for Alex's car :)

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Cheers for the tips guys!


So it would seem the general concensus of opinion is sticking the 1.8 16v head and cams on? Has anyone done this? What exactly is involved (head, cams and pistons)? What was the result? How does that make such a difference? If I were to do this, what other mods could I do while it is stripped down - Gasflow?


Actually, my brother is getting rid of a Passat 16v with a sweet engine pretty cheap - isn't that the same 1.8 16v DOHC engine? Could even get some spare door handles off it too ;)


Sorry if my questions seem basic - I really am new aren't I?


Cheers again!

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