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oil temp

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another question for u guys

while driving my 2L raddo thewater temp on the left of the dash always reads about 90degrees and in heavy trafic the needle moves above it towards 100 the oil temp on the trip computer reads about 100 and 110 and when driving through the city it gets to 118 i ws wondering is this normal ? and at what temp for the oil on the trip cpu should i start to get worried ?? or is 100 to hot for the oil already :( :(

thanks in advance.. :D

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In traffic the temps should equalise as the oil exchanges its heat with the water (or at least, the oil temp should rise less than the water) - but I'd say that for the standard heat exchanger that's 10+ years old, those temps are absolutely fine... It's only when the oil starts going over 125-130 that you need to worry!

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Lol, I like the attitude of the people here, always willing to help out and with a friendly attitude (apart from VR6 from what I have read, lol).


I know it's got nothing to do with the thread, but I just thought I'd point out that you guys are cool, keep up the good work of helping out us newbies.


Thanks guys.

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My VR old temp runs at aroung 110 on a normal run even when the water temp is 85. My old 16v ran exactly the same so i don't think there's anything to worry about. I have heard you can get thermostats which open a little before the standard ones and keep the oil temp down a touch. if your concerned maybe look into that.

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I have heard you can get thermostats which open a little before the standard ones and keep the oil temp down a touch. if your concerned maybe look into that.


Yup, I run a Neuspeed 180deg stat which keeps the coolant temp at around the 85degC instead of the usual 90-95degC. You can get 'em from AwesomeGTI. :)

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