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Converting a auoto to manual - anyone done it??

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Considering converting my VR6 from auto to manual, has anyone done it? Roughly whats involved, what new bits is required?


Is it a relatively straight forward job and how long is it likely to take a mechanic? (so I can do some sums)


Appreciate any feedback from some of you guys in the know.



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i would have thought that your quickest way of finding an answer to that would be to use the search mate.....theres not many people up yet!....i think this has been asked/answered before....theres a few people who have done this.


why do you want to change anyway?....is your left foot feeling a bit left out?. :D

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SteveRobb, As above Storm, is truly tyour man here and his report is very comprehensive. I had planned to do the swop this summer too but other commitments have put it on the back burner. Plus I'm beginning to enjoy the ease of driving, plus you get a fantastic kick when you kickdown and if you drive sensibly, mpg shouldnt really suffer. The thing i am looking into is if another autobox will fit in as the 096 is not the smoothest of boxes and the gearing from 3rd to 4th is wrong.

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