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$tealers messing with me engine? It's MISSING!

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Hi all - just got myself a 94 vr6 :twisted: Just had an 80k service :shock: I've got the service done with my local vw dealer. Ever since getting the car back, it idles like dog poop - and it misses when I 'blip' the throttle. If I slowly bring the revs up to pull away from a junction etc, it'll increase revs ok, but put it under load and it won't. Also, putting my foot flat on the floor to get the revs up also makes it miss, but put my foot down slowly, it's fine. Have they messed my car up, or am I mising summat? Should I take the car back to them, and demand they sort it or I'll get medieval on their bottoms!!??!!

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In a word..... YES.


I doubt if anally raping them would help though.

They've just done that to you by you agreeing to pay them for the 80k service ;)

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The service book looked so nice with all the VW stamps in it, that I thought I'd keep up the tradition! :-P Actually, the service book will make you laugh - some of the service intervals are at 6 months, but only with, say, 1000 miles between services!!ie 24/04/98 12104 05/11/98 13438 13/05/99 14500 19/10/99 15560! Beat that......if you can!!

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Why don't you just take it back to them???


Sounds like they've not gone thru the basic settings after disconnecting the battery or maybe even not connected the MAF plug...


Did they change anything out of the usual on the service??

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Wasn't Robinsons in Norwich was it? Bunch of bandits they are.... I wouldn't take a 580 year old camper van there, let alone a Corrado.


Sounds suspiciously like one of the key sensors is unconnected, such as the O2 probe or the MAF as already mentioned.... take it back to them and get them to rectify their shoddy workmanship.

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When I read the title I thought the stealers had removed your engine while serving it then 'misplaced' it :lol:


Apparently not tho...

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Dinkus, that would'nt suprise me, its possible im sure.


Sounds horribly familier to me. Bottom line on mine was that they had managed to slice through 3 of my HT leads when they changed the plugs, and actually put eletrical tape round the cuts. Red tape on the red leads and black on the black leads (yes i had a miture).


Like i wouldnt notice that! Get anywhere? no i did'nt! Suprised? not anymore!


Hope you get more luck than me mate, although its changing of late thanks to help from guys on here. Take it to a local specialist or Stealth, i recon they must be worth the drive for a service once a year.

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