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dinkus' silver VR - I think I have a problem

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You can disable the internal ultrasound sensors (as I found out this morning :lol: ) and that stops it going off. There is a way to change the sensitivity of the sensors too though, so I'll have a crack at that when I find out how.


Neither one's going in for a respray now - I'm just going to use the new one which has pretty straight bodywork instead.

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Heh nah they were all for the old alarms. The guy did say something about double locking it when I bought it, but didn't get what he meant at the time.

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  dinkus said:
There is a way to change the sensitivity of the sensors too




wrap them in sellotape :lol: i did that while being extremely helpful fixing a mates alarm :lol:

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Ah I gave up with the idea in the end - it was going to cost £5k for just the parts, so I just bought the new one instead :D

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Yeah but you got the old multiple silver vr problem now tho' ain't ya :lol: (if thats really a problem), thought you were going to start swapping bits & bobs over & get rid of the older one....or am i gettin thicker in my old age :D

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Yeah brakes, exhaust, wheels, gauges, some of the stereo, some of the interior have been swapped over so far and the old one will get sold as/when I'm done :lol:


Engines are all staying put though, I'm not that crazy

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Yeah, it still runs fine and pulls well, if a little clattery when cold :lol:


It's got 140k on it, but the chains have been done. I'm not breaking the old car though, so you'd need to buy the engine with the rest of it...

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