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killed my golf runabout( and nearly me as well)

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thank f**k they used to make them like they still do now













happened on thurday 21st 9.30 pm met a polo on my side of the road both going about 45mph (60mph road)she came around a left hand corner behind anoher car and drifted into my side of the road ,no time to brake or swerve


me and the wife been in hospital most of the week she has very bad brusing and 4 broken ribs me i had broken collar bone ,ribs,and a right foot like James caan from that flim "Misery" Had it pinned wih 3 pins on Monday now in plaster for 6 week before pins are removed then more plaster then lots of physo can't see me working until the new year gutting end of my show season and won't be able to drive my corrado for months


But this is the bit that's hard to take, she can,t remember what happened police calling it " a momentary lapse of concentration "and won't be pressing charges


so a momentary lapse of concentration equals driving on the wrong side of the road and nearly killing us is ok by them but drifting 5 or so miles over the speed limit on a clear day with no injured bang 3 points and a fine somethings wrong somewhere

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no don't get me wrong an accident is an accident i don't think anyone can say they have never lapsed and done something silly like drift over the white line or misstime pulling out on a roundabout thankfully 99% of he time no ones hurt but it's the way the police seem to deal differently with applying the law

easy pickings on speedings etc

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whats the difference between " a momentary lapse of concentration " and driving without due care and attention ??

3-6 points and a fine :-(


speeding is easy money , they might have to work to prove due care


glad you and yours are ok mate

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Did the Polo fare better or worse damage wise?


would think the polo is a write off as well but she faired better with airbags etc only spent overnite in hospital




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yeah, looks a bit harsh mate, will be posting pictures of my corrado up when i go and see it down the scrappy on monday. think ive done something to my ankle actually, got it trapped between the brake and a bit of the footwell that came out at me. copper said if i was driving anything other than a vw there would be been a fatality for sure, so bless those germans !!

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They certainly are built like tanks, its nice to know, could do with airbags imo, I had a Golf VR6 before the Rado and although it was this same year it had twin airbags, vs the Rados none. Makes you think.

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That is a shocker..


You should bloody press charges mate and take her to court! Lapse of concentration or not, it could have ended in death or permanent serious disability for either you or your wife!


Surely you must have some legal ground here?! She's clearly in the wrong regardless of the circumstance!

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Carpy its good your missus and yourself are OK - it was a close one, that car is mangled!

If the police aren't pressing charges after that, I'd suspect she's the wife or relative of a policeman or even a WPC! That accident should warrant at least a charge - 'due care and attention' or whatever it is.

There's little doubt the build quality of the VW saved all concerned from more serious injuries. It also illustrates the benefit of airbags!

I'm just glad you both come out of that accident in one piece!

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Jebus - lucky (in way) escape!


Two main types of proceedings - criminal and civil.


Criminal action is not deemed necessary by the police (although god knows why!).


You could pursue civil court action, which there is not normally any point in pursuing. The main point of civil action is not usually towards receiving compensation but it's aimed at putting you back in the position you were in to begin with ie loss of earning, hospital bills, car, etc.


But her insurance should cover all of that stuff, which is why we have it (supposedly!).


So you could take her to court but unless you feel that she should be punnished even further than I presume she already is doing, then there's little point.


Has she contacted you yet? If I knew I'd put two people in hospital through a 'momentary lapse of concentration' I'd be mortified and trying to apologise.

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just seen this thread mate...looks like a nightmare incident....its times like this that it does bring it home to you that the car is a lump of metal, its easy to drive around with an invincable feeling...but like the saying goes ...its not you , its the other drivers you gotta worry about!!.....hope you and your wife recover quickly and im glad that you didnt happen to be in your immacualte raddo!>


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I tell you what Carpy, for an estimated 90mph head on, that Golf is in good fettle.


Don't let the storage yard, start having bits off your car dude.


Good to hear that you will repair. :)


Get your Corrrado on a limited milegae policy sharpish and see if you can save a few quid!! :mrgreen:


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that looks nasty,good to see u r both going to be ok. Count your blessing's she was not in a heavier car..........

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Thanks for all the well wishes sorry i haven't answered sooner but been a bit down pins come out a week monday can't wait

put up a pic of my new daily transport :roll: at least it's a vw







Rob :D

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Surely theres compensation somewhere for you in the form of a big hefty cheque, whiplash claim etc, shame about 2 vdubs going out in a bang though, and glad your both alive and well. :)

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Blimmey mate, quite taken aback by those picks. Very pleased to here your on the mend, that really could have been a lot worse.


Get yourself a sony PSP and put your feet up (will hurt less too as lower blood presure to your foot!)


While your off you could get someone round to sort that carpet too! Sorry, didnt want to make light of a serious subject but could'nt resist that one. I only feel ok about saying it as mine is an orange and brown shag pile afair!


Take it easy bud and count your lucky stars. Glad your both still here.



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Thanks for all the well wishes sorry i haven't answered sooner but been a bit down pins come out a week monday can't wait

put up a pic of my new daily transport :roll: at least it's a vw







Rob :D


What quarter mile does she pull?

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Glad to hear you're alright


be thankful you were in a German car - and not some French thing.


I was hit by a Nissan Cabstar in my mk2 - and suffered whiplash - you fared much worse. But the Mk2 was built like a tank trust me.


I feel for you and your missus - and although physical damage is the more obvious it's the psychological damage which is the shocker.



get back behind the wheel soon



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she must be shagging someone to get away with that - is her hubby a superintendant or summing? seems very fishy

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